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customer knows best! Not!

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I'm sure some of you have gone thru this already, and this would have been comical if it had not been dangerous. We own a health food store that I am making the candles for. Man comes in, buys candle. Man brings back candle a month later, says it doesn't burn right. My son looks at candle, says did you follow burning instructions, man says I don't need instructions, I know how to burn a candle. Man lights candle with match throws match into candle container. Man lets it burn for about 30 min. while he drinks his coffee (it's a 4" candle) Man puts lid on jar to put out candle (lots of soot on jar!) Lots of wax left on one side of the jar. But Man does not need instructions, because he knows how to burn a candle! Candlemaker runs out of room screaming!

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I don't do containers, but with my pillars I tell people how this hand-crafted pillar was engineered to burn and if they do not burn it as instructed, they will not get a quality burn.

I gave detailed burning instruction (verbally and via label) to a co-worker...well, his 1st burn was for 2hrs (3" pillar) then he poured out the melt pool and relit it :rolleyes2 ........there is only so much you can do, KWIM?

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I don't do containers, but with my pillars I tell people how this hand-crafted pillar was engineered to burn and if they do not burn it as instructed, they will not get a quality burn.

I gave detailed burning instruction (verbally and via label) to a co-worker...well, his 1st burn was for 2hrs (3" pillar) then he poured out the melt pool and relit it :rolleyes2 ........there is only so much you can do, KWIM?

I have instructions that are sitting right by the candles, and if I am not there I tell all of our employees to make sure everyone gets instructions. I explain about what palm wax is and give not just basic instructions, but how to get the best burn out of their new candle. I feel like I put so much time into each and every candle, that I want to follow them home and make sure they burn it correctly so they can get as much enjoyment out of it as I did in making it! Also one of my sons does candle testing for me, so this way when I'm not there, he can give instructions on how to burn it. This man refused to listen or even take the printed instructions. Go figure!

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LOL.....my best friend has been burning my candles since I started pouring them...2001.

I've told her a thousand times how to burn a container candle. Does she listen to me...yes...does she burn it right...NO.

I stopped at her house yesterday and there sat one of the candles she bought at my open house...you could see EVERY burn. I've told her over and over and over...DON'T light the candle if you are going to put it out 15 minutes later. She still does it............

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OMG my DH's aunt is this way. She will not listen to me no matter what I tell her. And she calls me all the time saying this candle isnt burning to the edge like you say they do. We go through the same questions over again and again about how long did you burn it for, usually she only doesnt it for about 1 hours, so I tell her it need to burn for about 3 hours EACH TIME. And she always says this cant be the norm because no body has the time to burn candles all day. (She is a stay at home mom, her son is in school all day, but whatever). So I just tell her then fine burn it how ever you want but if you dont burn the for the minimum amount of time they will tunnel.

And then she calls me about why isnt my little 4.5 oz candle smelling up her whole house, she lives in a very big and very open house with at least 20 foot ceiling. And my answers is always those size candles are to small for your living room and try it in the bedroom or the bathroom.

She just drives me crazy, I wish I could tell her I am not going to be making candles anymore, but I am sure I will still get the calls everyday about someone elses.

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LOL.....my best friend has been burning my candles since I started pouring them...2001.

I've told her a thousand times how to burn a container candle. Does she listen to me...yes...does she burn it right...NO.

I stopped at her house yesterday and there sat one of the candles she bought at my open house...you could see EVERY burn. I've told her over and over and over...DON'T light the candle if you are going to put it out 15 minutes later. She still does it............

I have a friend just like this. I explain to her how long she needs to burn the candle and trim the wick and so forth. She always acts like it is the first time she hears of this.:angry2:


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There's an idiot born every minute and unfortunately, none of them seem to ever die.

Having said that, if that arrogant dweeb had told me he didn't NEED to read instructions that he knows how to burn a candle, that would have indicated an opportunity for me to have a WHOLE lot of sport in educating him about how he doesn't know sh*t. He probably thinks he knows how to fly an F-18, too, because he played the video game...:rolleyes2

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There's an idiot born every minute and unfortunately, none of them seem to ever die.

Having said that, if that arrogant dweeb had told me he didn't NEED to read instructions that he knows how to burn a candle, that would have indicated an opportunity for me to have a WHOLE lot of sport in educating him about how he doesn't know sh*t. He probably thinks he knows how to fly an F-18, too, because he played the video game...:rolleyes2

:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:, thanks I needed that. I have a bad day today. So thanks for the laugh.

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I've told her a thousand times how to burn a container candle. Does she listen to me...yes...does she burn it right...NO.

My BFF is a powerburner, as am I but she flat refuses to trim the wicks. Her new DH has breathing problems and now she can't burn candles at all because the soot bothers him == well, duh!!! Trim the damn wick and there won't be any soot -- how hard is that to understand :confused:

Firends can be the worst customers.

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My BFF is a powerburner, as am I but she flat refuses to trim the wicks. Her new DH has breathing problems and now she can't burn candles at all because the soot bothers him == well, duh!!! Trim the damn wick and there won't be any soot -- how hard is that to understand :confused:

Firends can be the worst customers.

Yep.. One of my best friends did this in her bathroom.

Sat the container candle on the top of her toilet, with a floral display a few feet above it..

Are you thinking OMG... FIRE...

Well luckily, while she power burned this candle all day, it only produced a crap load of soot. She is lucky she did not burn her house down.

I told her if she does that again, no more candles for her..

That she is bad for my biz!!!:laugh2: Now when she knows I am coming over.. All her candles are trimmed and put in a safe burning area!! LOL

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I know before I started making candles, I really did not know how to burn a candle correctly. I knew the safety part: don't burn by curtains, don't throw matches into the container, etc. And yes, never did I burn a candle correctly, that said, as long as it smelled good, I really did not care that the ceiling fan was on and causing a lot of hang up on one side. I was a big Yankee candle person and those candles are not cheap! Never once did I entertain the thought of taking a candle back and saying it did not burn right. The only thing I have to worry about is loosing a customer to our health food store because I would not take a candle back. Like every other small business, times are tough and we need each and every customer!

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Like every other small business, times are tough and we need each and every customer!

This is true and I agree, but in the case of this particular customer, as much of a pain as he seems to be and as much stink as he is causing.. what happens when he burns his house down because he refuses to read the instructions and decides that because he feels your candle "wasn't burning properly" (though due to his own ineptness) he is going to sue you. Granted that is what insurance is for, but that, I think would cause more negative publicity than refusing to take back a candle that he refused to burn properly.

It seems he is just trying to get free stuff anyway.

Don't mean to sound rude, but I would say good riddance to this customer.

Just my 2 cents..

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This is true and I agree, but in the case of this particular customer, as much of a pain as he seems to be and as much stink as he is causing.. what happens when he burns his house down because he refuses to read the instructions and decides that because he feels your candle "wasn't burning properly" (though due to his own ineptness) he is going to sue you. Granted that is what insurance is for, but that, I think would cause more negative publicity than refusing to take back a candle that he refused to burn properly.

It seems he is just trying to get free stuff anyway.

Don't mean to sound rude, but I would say good riddance to this customer.

Just my 2 cents..

The guy is 87 yrs old. My sons tell me he is always coming in grumpy and in a bad mood. I guess I should not be surprised at his comments of my candles.

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The guy is 87 yrs old. My sons tell me he is always coming in grumpy and in a bad mood. I guess I should not be surprised at his comments of my candles.

Im sorry.. sometimes they are just so difficult to deal with. Some people are just never happy.. you could probably replace 100 candles for him and he would still complain. :rolleyes2

That's a sticky wickit there..

On the other hand.. maybe coming in to trade in candles is one of his few sources of socialization..

I've known seniors to do that just to interact with other people, especially if they have no one to talk to on a regular basis. :(

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I don't do containers, but with my pillars I tell people how this hand-crafted pillar was engineered to burn and if they do not burn it as instructed, they will not get a quality burn.

I gave detailed burning instruction (verbally and via label) to a co-worker...well, his 1st burn was for 2hrs (3" pillar) then he poured out the melt pool and relit it :rolleyes2 ........there is only so much you can do, KWIM?

What a F%^&tard!!

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Forget about the sh@@@t customers, they are few and far between. Don't sell to him, focus on those who are happy customers. I have no problem saying that i can't sell candles to people who don't appreciate how to burn them. Tyre kickers are not your business!!!!!!

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My BFF is a powerburner, as am I but she flat refuses to trim the wicks. Her new DH has breathing problems and now she can't burn candles at all because the soot bothers him == well, duh!!! Trim the damn wick and there won't be any soot -- how hard is that to understand :confused:

Firends can be the worst customers.

So can family members! My SIL burned one of my votives on a plate and then commented on how short the burn time was!?!?!

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