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You can teach an old dog new tricks!

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I have been using this one wick with my mason jar for quite some time, and the wick always flickered, got a huge shroom after only about 2 hours, but it consumed all the wax and threw out scent really well. For a change and an experiment I decided to wick down one size just to see what would happen. This is after about 9 months or so of using this other wick, lots of customers and so on. But so far so good on the size down. It flickers a little, but I always, ALWAYS, seem to get flicker with mason jars. (Does anyone else?) It doesn't smoke but neither did the other. It's about an hour and 45 minutes in to the burn and almost to the edge. This opening is about 2 inches or so (standard mason jar).

My point is even chandlers who consider themselves a "novelist" candle maker have issues and have to rethink their formulas sometimes. It's just part of the craft. But in order to succeed you need to be open for changes, and trying new things for no other reason than "just because" or because you're curious. To all newbies, don't close yourself off. I made that mistake once... and got so frustrated I almost quit all together. Glad I didn't. HTH.

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