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Question about votives

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I made votives for the first time yesterday. I did a search and found the answers to all the questions I had except for one, how do you fasten the wick to the candle. I used wick pins, that worked well. Do you fasten it by using the warning sticker? Or is there a better way? Thank you for any help.

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I have found that the wick just stays there after you pull it up into the votive. I have never had any problem with them falling out. They are usually pretty tight up in there. And if you so have a problem the warning label over the wick will also help keep it there.

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I use wick pins most of the time and haven't had a problem with them at all.

I used to put the warning sticker right on the tab, but I've started putting them on the packaging instead. The reason--I found that I forgot to remove the warning sticker a couple of times when I burn them. I didn't have a mishap or a problem with one catching fire, but I decided that if I overlooked them that a customer would as well.

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After I insert the wick assembly, I generally run the bottom of the votive over a warm surface which embeds the sustainer base. You can then wither affix the warnming label directly to the bottom of the candle (I don't like to do this because the labels absorb oils from the candle and look ratty in no time) or shrink wrap and affix to the bottom of the wrapping.:)

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I insert the votive wick about 3/4 of the way into the votive, then heat the bottom of the metal tab with a candle lighter for a few seconds then put the metal tab into the candle with an eraser end of a pencil.

Can you explain this further? It's probably just because I'm used to wicking by a different method, but that's not making a visual for me that makes sense.

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Can you explain this further? It's probably just because I'm used to wicking by a different method, but that's not making a visual for me that makes sense.

Yes, I use a pretabbed wick. Don't push it all the way into the bottom of the candle until after you have heated the metal wick tab. Don't heat the wick tab for too long, otherwise you'll melt the wick out of the tab. After I push the tab into the candle I also give it a little shot with the candle lighter to make sure it's secure as the wax around the tab will melt just enough to secure it when cool.

HTH, if you need more info, just let me know. :cheesy2:

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Thanks, dear. I was actually coming back into this thread to say I understand what you were talking about after I did some research today. I've been dropping the wicks in the still liquid wax and didn't even know there were wick pins for votives! I started looking them up and found Peaks had the best price; 89 cents compared to every else's 99 cents and up. I'm plotting to get some now. :D

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Yes, I used tabbed wicks, I waited until the wax had set up enough and pushed it down thru the top of the votive. They stayed straight but when they were completely solid the wax had covered the tab so I wasn't sure exactly where it was. I will heat the tab next, that seems like a much better way.

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We used to have to warm the tabs to get them to adhere - otherwise, when we pulled the warning label off, the wick would come out too! :shocked2:

It was very time consuming. When you are making hundreds of votives, sitting there and playing around with the wicks was just plain annoying!

Luckily, the wicks we use now have a higher neck on them. They fit tight and we don't have to worry about heating the tabs anymore! :cheesy2: They are the LX wicks from Bittercreek, if that helps any....

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