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Report on Craft Fair - Day 1


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Well, I'm pooped and hungry but happy. Today I made 7.5 X my share of the booth fee (my sister and I shared booth space). The early morning brought a lot of "lookers," but before noon I had already made about 3 X my booth fee. The early afternoon went well, but about an hour before closing it was slow. A seasoned exhibitor from across the aisle came to my booth at day's end to tell me how nice my display looked and she liked the fact that I had my tables arranged to draw people IN to my display rather than keeping it right at the edge of the aisle. That made me feel good because I was having doubts that my exhibit looked good at all after a couple of my friends visited. They told me that my display wasn't "primitive enough" and that since I couldn't burn candles I should have put bottles of oil out so the smell would go further into the aisle. :confused: I had the lids off the first row of all my candles so once you stepped into the booth, you couldn't help but smell them ... I have a headache from breathing the fragrances all day! Anyhow, all in all, for a newbie in the craft fair circuit, I am pretty pleased. Hopefully, tomorrow will be as good or better. Thanks for listening. I'll let you know how I do tomorrow. Right now my tummy is telling me it's time for din-din!!!

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It sounds great! Glad you got good feedback on your booth! I did an inverted U at a show recently and I loved it and I would have done the same thing at my show today except that they's already setup the tables in single file lines and they didn't want us changing the setup.

I too take the lids off the first row of candles and I think it makes all the difference!

Job well done!:wave: :yes: :highfive:

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You did great. Your so called friends don't know what they are talking about. I also use the inverted U shape. Really like drawing the peeps in to browse. And it is easier to talk to them 1 on 1 that way to explain anything they might like to know. In addition to taking the tops of some candles, I try to put something really good smelling at each end of the U.

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I had a candle on a candlewarmer but not burning.Sitting way back behind me.Everyone kept coming to my booth and said these smell so good.I can smell them with the lids on.Then they took the lids off and said these are great.After they left I took lids off a few.I thought "Well they said they can smell with the lids on now what will it be like if I took the lids off".I had 5 people stop at my booth just before I left.Sold 5.The sales were slow there for everyone.It was a huge pet show and alot of fun.Another guy had candles but was a distance from him.Don't know how he did.They were higher than mine.

Did have one lady take a business card yesterday and another today.The one today works with my husband and she said she would spread the word.Now see my husband won't do it someone who works with him will.He did make 3 sales for soap and lotion.You know that antibacterial soap we are wondering about.It is a hit with the men my husband works with.


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