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Yesterday's candles


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I made three purple mottled candles and on the bottom it looks like they have scratches. Can anyone tell me what causes this and what I can do about it?

The other is a mold I bought from e-bay, it is a chubby pyramid. The colors don't look as good in the picture as they do in person, I liked how it turned out although it really isn't the look I was going for.


Please give me any feedback? I would love to hear the truth about what you think.

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I cleaned the mold (i'm very meticulous about cleaning the molds) and used silicone spray release. I waited until the mold was cool, but maybe I should wait longer. I used my heat gun on low and got rid of them but I would like to know what the cause is. I will try leaving them in the mold longer. Thanks!!

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Thanks, I didn't know you were supposed to clean off the gunk. I thought they were scratched. I took the heat gun to them and they look fine now. I'm going to give people some like these for Christmas so I'm glad it worked out.

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It may looked scratched, but is there an actual groove in the wax? If you're cleaning your molds well, then it could be there are some small dents in the mold causing the scratching. In which case, I can't help you there either lol. But some people talk about sanding away little spots. Just not on tin molds that I know of, mostly on the aluminum ones.

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