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Buying coconut oil at the store


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I can't find it at any grocery store here nor at our local Walmart. :( Everyone kept telling me in should be in the baking section with all the oils etc. but nope, not in this town. :rolleyes:

Everything I need I have to pay shipping for unfortunately. :(

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I can't find it at any grocery store here nor at our local Walmart. :( Everyone kept telling me in should be in the baking section with all the oils etc. but nope, not in this town. :rolleyes:

Everything I need I have to pay shipping for unfortunately. :(

The only Walmart's that carry coconut oil are the Super Centers. The ones that have the grocery store in them. Maybe this is only in New York state, I am not sure. Ask me how I know... LMAO! :highfive:

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Checked my local health food store also, and she wanted some outrageous $$ for a small amount (less than a pound).

I've asked at the grocery store, and they don't carry it. :(

It sucks, that others can get things locally and others like me, have to pay an arm and a leg for EVERYTHING cuz of stupid shipping. GRRRRRR:mad: That's what sucks about living in a really small town.

Gerrie, I hope you can find it locally, got my fingers crossed for ya.

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I went today and my walmart has the Louisiann brand (32 oz. white container with a green lid) for $2.83 each. I got a couple, as well as lard and a bottle of olive oil... although I'm not really sure what type I needed to get, I got extra virgin, in a light color. The lye however is another story... guess I'll try home depot tomorrow since walmart here didn't have any.

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