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I just committed myself


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to doing my first Candle Party.. OMG :eek: I have been "talking and thinking" about doing this for about at least 4 months.. It is just getting past that "first show" stage... I have all the conficence I need at my shows, because I know what I put into my products to get a great product, and have totally no problem at all selling my products... I just lack confidence in how to do all the parties etc... I got the push over the "edge" so to speak, one of my co-workers told me "again" she wanted to do a party - and what date... I am going to stress for weeks now.. It is going to be Dec 17th.

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Congrats on the party!

I had a lady ask me the other day too. I've only done a few open houses, and I like them that way. Low key, no party games. Just come sniff and buy!

This lady says she has a HUGE candle party this time of year, every year and it's always very good. One of her friends asked her when the candle party was and she said "I've switched candle companies, so let me see when we can have a party" Wooo hooo!! Switched candle companies, love it!

Anyhow, I totally strayed from your post, LOL Crystal, your stuff will definitely sell itself. I'd be interested to hear what you end up doing (I need ideas!)

Good luck!!

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Crystal we have talked about this honey. LOL I do mine just like Trish, like an open house. Open by giving a gift to the hostess, just say a little about what products you are offering and then just let people shop. That is what I do. They will ask questions like how did you get started etc.... You will be talking about your product so it is easy peasy. Make sure you bring plenty of cards, bags, maybe some baskets since it is so close to Christmas. You got it going on girl. You are all set. Get there about an hour early to set up, you'll be fine.:yay:

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Way to go Crystal! You will do just fine. If I can do it anybody can. lol

I don't like parties but I just can't mingle with people I don't know. Its really hard for me. I just talked about my product, sent samples around for people to try and then they bought. That first one is a killer though.

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oh, yeah, that first one is a doozy. But it's just like the first craft show. You will be fine. Your stuff is awesome!

One thing Amanda and I did (and yes, we did it together - halve the stress) was told everyone it was our first show and we were pretty nervous about it. I don't know what it did for the people there, but we were a lot less nervous then. It would also be helpful if you had comment cards....lots of people will tell you what you did well. Just build on that.

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congrats! was wondering if anyone has had one in there home b4?i have never had one and was thinking about it but my home is small any suggestions? thanks

I don't do "parties" in my home, but I do an Open house 2x a year. I make a nice display in the largest room, to showcase all of my products and gifts, then I spread some other items around the downstairs. People grab food, walk around, sit at the dining room table and find some candles to sniff. It works out well because people aren't so crammed for space, and they tend not to feel rushed (which I think gives them time to find more things to buy!!).;)

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