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Do you ever Weigh your Fo Samplers?


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I never have...

I just bought several 2oz. samplers..

I have used 3 this week..from the same supplier..

and when I went to weigh them there was only 1 7/8 oz.

in each of them..Is that margin of error pretty normal..on scales?..

It has me thinking I should always weight them..

What would you do?

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I've been shorted before .... when I went to weigh the one oz to add to my wax, it was not an oz. (This has only happened with one supplier. ) At first I thought it might be an honest mistake, but I started noticing that it was beginning to happen more often with this supplier. I called and spoke with the owner, and was told that the weight of the sample bottle (just the bottle, not the cap) was included in the one oz. Needless to say, I don't buy from that supplier any more.

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Not usually. I am hip to the suppliers that do this on a constant basis. Which isn't that many. I believe any business owner could have employees that make errors. But when this is frequent, you remember that shit runs downhill. For lack of a better term. :rolleyes2

Have you emailed the supplier? Was this more than one bottle?

Scales do go off kilter pretty easily. I usually give the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.

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only if I need to use the whole amount. I automatically weigh everything so even if I'm using a 2-oz sampler in my 2# soap batch it gets weighed (or a 1-oz sampler for a 1# batch). I've not been shorted so far...

8 - that's about 3.5 grams per bottle which IMO is a lot to consistently be off (check your own scale too, btw - 5 quarters weigh an ounce).

Candlebuddy - that was total bull$hit!!! the bottle included??? Are they still in business? I'll need to avoid that vendor!

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I just got 20 from a certain supplier and everyone was under weight, most by .1 oz and a few by .2 oz. I am in the process of trying to resolve this; will post if and when I do. I told them that I would not be able to continue purchasing from them if they do not fix their situation. They are weighing out their fo in a capped bottle; they are allowing .2 oz for bottle and cap, meanwhile I tested five empties (bottle and cap) and they all weighed .3 oz. I emailed them (more than once) with this info; It has been a week and I am still awaiting a response:confused: . Many of the fragrances were quite nice. I am almost finished testing and will post results and fragrance descritions soon. I hope they fix their situation because I would like to continue using them.

I also got 8 from a different supplier- FLICKERS- and every one of them was OVERWEIGHT!! Most were 1.1 oz but a couple were 1.2 oz. Now, that's the way to do it. The fragraces are wonderful; I am almost thru testing. Will post results soon.

I also got a few from ICS and they were all on the money. Fragrances were phenomenal as usual. I am almost thru testing; will post results soon.


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I'm not sure if you're asking me, or Candlebuddy or 8 Gran Ones?

But, the one I'm speaking of is Brighterscents/Gelluminations. However, like I said, I am hoping that they will rectify and I will post if/when they do. I don't mean rectify my little .1 oz losses; I mean rectify the method of only accounting for .2 oz when their bottle/cap actually weighs .3 oz.

I will post by the middle of next week. I will give them till Wed to respond. That will be two weeks and I think that is more than enough time to address an issue.


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I am curious as to why no one else stepped up to the plate and named the supplier? Are you still in the process of trying to rectify the situation? Are you afraid of being "blackballed" by supplier?

Just curious.

I thought that this forum was intended for candle makers to help one another. If people were more apt to speak honestly then there would be no threat of being "blackballed". The power would be with the consumer, as it should be.


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It really shouldn't happen. Of course, a supplier should be given benefit of doubt (scales off, employee mistake, etc.) But, if this is a suppliers "policy" rather than a mishap, It would be nice to know.

Blest2Be American, asked who the supplier was and I was the only one to come foward and speak the truth. That's pitiful. I can't believe as a fellow candle maker, a person wouldn't share this information. How can a buyer beware.

I guess that they are afraid or whatever, but, gosh.....be courageous....there's no better way to live.

I'm glad I told,


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If it is me, that you are speaking of about naming the supplier??

No, I will not name them until I check other samplers, and not before I would resolove this with them...

I would not want several people all of sudden calling them, and telling them they need to change their practices on something that could be a mistake..

This is the first time I ever checked any ones samplers..And it was only because I needed 2 oz. and I automatically weight everything..

In fact I have never weighted any Fragrances, even 16oz. If they looked full, I always just took it for granted that it was all there..

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It really shouldn't happen. Of course, a supplier should be given benefit of doubt (scales off, employee mistake, etc.) But, if this is a suppliers "policy" rather than a mishap, It would be nice to know.

Blest2Be American, asked who the supplier was and I was the only one to come foward and speak the truth. That's pitiful. I can't believe as a fellow candle maker, a person wouldn't share this information. How can a buyer beware.

I guess that they are afraid or whatever, but, gosh.....be courageous....there's no better way to live.

I'm glad I told,


Why do you continue to brow beat in this thread?

I'm curious.

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It's fine that you want to give them a chance to resolve it, but I think you said that three of the bottles were underweight? I think that might be a pattern? Maybe they had a problem with their scale?

If it is a reputable supplier, they will resolve it. If it is a reputable supplier, they wouldn't care if you named them- if when they fixed the problem, you would follow up your comments with that fact. Everyone can make a mistake. But, they have to fix it, if they want to be let off the hook.

With my particular situation, the suppliers' first response was to ask me if I took the fragrance oil density into account. If I had looked at the manufacturer's MSDS data sheets? They threw everything at me to get my wheels to stop spinning. They didn't realize that I was a chemist, familiar with both msds data sheets and density. I couldn't help laugh, because I don't even think that they include flashpoint info on their labels:laugh2: I believe it says on their site (just like most sites) oils are sold by weight. Duh, one ounce = one ounce. We're not talking fluid oz, here.

So, in other words, far from reputable. When I responded to their scientific inaccuracies, they stopped responding to my emails. They only responded once I put in a claim thru paypal. And even then, they lied. They told paypal that they had offered me a $5 store credit toward a future purhcase. They did say that I am incorrect, that I could never get the entire ounce out of the bottle. I am in the process of looking into that. Nonetheless, some bottles contained only .8 oz fo, so I am more apt to believe that it is further bs/lies. We'll see. I have the means to run assays, in an unofficial capacity. I may just do it.

I am just floored by Brighterscents/Gellumination unprofessional handling of my situation. However, if I would have just checked BBB, I would have found That BS has an unsatisfactory rating. I dealt with Gelluminations; If my situation isn't rectified, they will probably end up with unsatisfactory, as well.

I just hope that if the underweight situations isn't rectified/ or is a pattern, that you would let us know. We may still choose to use the supplier, but atleast we would do so with our eyes open.:shocked2:


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Eve, I'll pm you, and anyone else who's interested in knowing. I just don't want to post here, because this particular supplier reads this message board, and always jumps in when she sees something negative about her company ... I don't think that's fair to the members here, but that's the way it is ... :lipsrseal

Check your pm's. :wink2:

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I don't feel like I am browbeating anyone. I repeated the question, why is no one stepping up to the plate and I encouraged people to be courageous. This is not browbeating. Look up the definition, if you like. I may be straightfoward and frank. However, I don't think that it is possible to dominate or subjugate through a computer screen.

By your own account, you are "hip to the suppliers that do this on a constant basis." and yet, you do not share your information.

If you want to chime in, atleast bring something informative to the table, like the identity of these unscrupulous suppliers that you are "hip" to. This way, we can all be "hip".

This thread isn't about me. It's about the weight of fragrance oil samplers, in particular one's whose weight is misrepresented (underweight).


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