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Invoicing Help Pls


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I've decided to not charge shipping on my website until the order is placed & then invoice them the total amount including shipping. I just received an order & payment to paypal.

My question is what is the best way to do this? Do I just send them an invoice for the shipping only or do I refund their money and then invoice them the total amount? I have stated on there to not pay until they receive an invoice from me.

:laugh2:ROFLMAO I guess I should have found out the specifics before I decided to add that to my site.

Any quick replies are greatly appreciated. First order I've had in months soooooooo maybe this is a good sign. :yay:

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Invoice the shipping only, IMO. Some people are tight with money, so having to wait for a refund before being able to pay the price again plus shipping may end up delaying the sale - you also have the chance for someone to rethink their purchase and NOT pay at all again.

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I still haven't conquered the actual shipping on my website so what I do once the order comes in is calculate the shipping cost and invoice separate for paypal payments only. If the payment option choosen is for credit card or cash/personal check I calculate the total due with shipping before giving them a final total. I use propay for credit cards and will process the card once the final total is caluclated.

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Either the shipping module isn't installed in the cart correctly, or the PayPal payment setup isn't.

Do you have an account with the shipping you are trying to use? For the big 3 carriers, you have to have an account and it should be linked within for real time shipping estimates.

Also, for settings with PayPal, I chose to IPN (the easiest way to know whether it is, is if someone makes an order, until PayPal clears it, it will say "Preparing IPN" in the status section of your cart).

There are several PayPal mods for carts, but only two that I know that work properly with everything. (One I first used was taking off a coupon at the site, but not on PayPal.)

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I'm having the same problem with coupons, discounts as well. Paypal isn't taking them off and people have told me it tells them that code isn't valid. So what good is having this option if it doesn't work properly.

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Well this is really ticking me off. I did a test order put in the coupon code it said it was redeemed but it didn't subtract the amount off on the website. I went ahead and added the USPS shipping option & I checked parcel post but it added priority shipping. I FRICKEN give up.

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