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Looking for someone to build me a website

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Recommendations would be helpful. I would like to keep my web site adress and the theme that I have going. I am basically looking for quotes right now as to what it would cost me to redo this thing. I am totally STUPID when it comes to websites so I need something easy and someone to explain it to me. I am a true blonde when it comes to websites, html and stuff like that. If you prefer to pm me, please do. Please only helpful advice. I already feel dumb regarding the last one. :P

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hold up DC. I am working hard at seeing exactly how I can get us a copy of our website. I am sending you a pm, read it ASAP.

Can't you copy the HTML from each page, paste it to a new website page with a new hosting company so it is duplicated.. Then upload it to the new site???

When I went from one hosting company to another that is what I did.:confused:

I use www.ewisoft.com to build my site and they have been wonderful.. Email Vicky.. She is very helpful and quick getting back to you.

Maybe she will be able to help some of you.

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I wish it were that easy islandgirl! :)

The problem is that not all the html is just plain html. It links and references coding that is only available in that particular cart. For example - the html for a new products module is designed to work with the other html in OSCommerce.

Same with the media portion. All the images are stored on that server, so instead of getting a pretty picture, you'd end up with just words.

Now, depending on what you did, from company to company, you may be able to do it. For example, if it's the same cart, or no cart at all. There's tons of variables that WOULD make it work, but in most cases, it won't.

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Most pages have lots different scripts and languages going on... php, xml. java, activex, not to mention that ecommerce sites need a database to store all the data (usually MySQL). Many commands that reference other files (by their addresses or URLs) need to be repointed to the correct URL so that the script can find the files it needs to make the magic happen. For very simple pure html sites, one CAN simply copy/paste and update the links and you're all set. More complex sites, however are more of a buttpain. It helps to have cPanel as a server software because so many hosts use it and one can migrate one site to another location relatively easily. Sometimes, a new host will move your site for you for free or a nominal charge, if you have root access. I like it when the higher geeks do it for me and make it look easy. :) Nothing like that is easy if I have to figure out how to do it... and it sure ain't pretty while I am crashing and bashing my way through...:undecided

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There are hundreds of threads here about who does and who doesn't do websites. If you want someone to build it from scratch for you, you'll pay a boatload of money. From the bottom up with graphics, pictures, maintenance (adding/deleting/changing) the whole 9-yards included, you could be talking thousands of $. If you want a do-it-yourself template, which means you do the work but the template is laid out for you and you don't have to know html, go with www.designer218.com.

You'll have to be able to take good pictures, know how to optimize your entire site, including search engine optimization, etc. There are tutorials all over the internet for these things.

Start by doing a search here, and see what other people use. When someone shows their site in their signature or in their profile, look at the bottom of their home page to see who their site is with. None of this will fall into your lap. You have to take the initiative to do the work yourself.

And above all else, know that having a website is not going to bring armored trucks full of money to your business. It takes a LOT of work and a LOT of time. This has been covered ad infinitum here. If you're unable to make a decision based on the tons of information here, it's unlikely you'll have the stamina to maintain a website.

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