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Describe whipped shea consistency to me


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Is it suppose to be creamy? If you put it in the jar and hung it upside down would it fall out or sit inside? I made some previously and it stayed real fluffy and I can turn the jar upside down and it doesn't come out. I made some today and it is realy creamy and whipped.

Here it is


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I think every makes theirs differently, but I know with mine, that when I'm whipping it, and right afterwards, it's really thick and fluffy, but then once it sits in the jars for a while, it sort of settles and becomes like frosting. Most of the time, it get's thinner in the jars (someone, correct me if Im wrong!) So you want it sort of thicker . I know if I turn my jar upside down it would stay put. Did you do anything different this time? Have you tried freezing it and whipping it again?

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does it feel nice? If you're selling it, you can market it as a thick lotion/cream...? It looks like something I would like :) I hate shea butter...so greasy...I hate to admit it does feel good once it sinks in though! Anyway, yeah, I'd try the freezer thing...it might harden it up a little bit for ya. What all are you adding to it?

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My shea butter turns out different in consistency everytime I do it, sometimes I cannot get a lot of volume out of it and sometimes I can. I like it to be more like frosting but it does not always turn out like that to me. It bugs the heck out of me.


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I'd call it body butter. The stuff that the body shop sells is really a thick cream and they call it body butter, so if they can get away with it, so can you! :) Everyone likes something different, so I'm sure it's not a problem. Hell, I can't even imagine why people want to buy my shea butter sometimes- I always think they'd be just as well off rubbing olive oil on their skin...but of course, I don't say that! :) So don't tell anyone what it's supposed to be, and they'll love it!

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OK TB this is my story :Dhttp://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6263

Instead of ditching it I put it in the refrig covered for 3 days and then I turn it out obviously it was hard :grin2: but I left it out over night and it "melted" to a frosting consistency. I have given this batch out ALL over the place with GREAT reviews- not too bad for my first try. I'm afraid to try again, God only knows what it'll turn out like next time LOL. It sat up nice and I can tip it upside down and it won't come out.

So w/ the help of a few I have decided on Whipped Shea Body Frosting

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the end texture will depend on what butters/oils you used, and how long you whipped them. i have 2 different blends..one is more like a cross between noxema and a tub of spreadable butter and the other is more like frosting...

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the end texture will depend on what butters/oils you used, and how long you whipped them. i have 2 different blends..one is more like a cross between noxema and a tub of spreadable butter and the other is more like frosting...

how long do you recommend one to whip it to get a noxema consistency.

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I think every makes theirs differently, but I know with mine, that when I'm whipping it, and right afterwards, it's really thick and fluffy, but then once it sits in the jars for a while, it sort of settles and becomes like frosting. Most of the time, it get's thinner in the jars (someone, correct me if Im wrong!) So you want it sort of thicker . I know if I turn my jar upside down it would stay put.

My first batch did the same exact thing, it looked all nice and whipped and thick like super thick meringue, and then the next day I looked at the jars and it had settled in and looked like and had the consistency of frosting, kind of like that cheap buttercream frosting you get on store bought cakes, without the grit. LOL ;)

I personally think it's waaay greasy, but OMG does it do wonders on my feet!!

So, last night I made another batch, but used some cocoa butter in it, just to see if it would come out more like a balm (harder) than a "frosting", but it started to get too thick on me with my stick blender b/f I could get it mixed/whipped well enough for my tastes, so I've been letting it sit out this morning, and then I'll try whipping the heck out of it again but with my reg. mixer to see.

It feels nice and is not to greasy.
Ok, I wanna know your recipe, since you say yours is NOT greasy-I'd love to have some that didn't feel sooo greasy, even though it seems impossible since everything you would put in it is oily right?? :confused:

I don't know, the only people who have tried mine (the first batch) are me, my hubby and my MIL. My hubby LOVES I mean absolutely LOVES this stuff, and he swears that it helps his dry lips, and actually was frantic for it last night. :D

My MIL didn't say much about it, but I sent her home with a 1oz. jar, so we'll see.

But me, I have the WORST dry cracked feet (well my sisters' are worse since they get bleeding cracks) and I swear with just two applications and wearing socks all night, they are oh so much better. ;)

Anywho, I have a feeling like Elle said, I think it may have a lot of variants to just how it comes out each time, unless you are very diligent in counting how long you're whipping, adding everything in at exactly the same time, etc.e tc. KWIM?

Yours looks very purdy though, and I think shea souffle would be a good name for it!

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My butters are also like a frosting...maybe a little stiffer.

A new butter I made the other night turned out wonderful and not as greasy as my other butters.

Here's the what I used (I didn't use a scale though so don't know exact weighted measure):

1 tablespoon shea butter

1 tablespoon avocado butter

1 tablespoon coconut oil (Louana brand from Wal-Mart)

1 tablespoon mango butter

1/2 tablespoon kokum butter (I'm sure cocoa butter could be a sub)

It's a little stiff but it melts easily on skin contact.

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Thanks Maryann, why is it that the fridge helps it? Once it hits the outside air it changes. :undecided

I'm assuming the cold sets the butter up and the heat (its still warm where we both are) "melts"/ softens it to the room temp it alittle. That's what I was testing when I sat it out to see where it would stop at -consistency wise. Another thing- I used an ice bath when I was whipping it so I think it needed alittle more cold to set it up to where it should have been (if that makes sense).

If its still not where you want it to be try placing it in the refrig and see :confused: -ya never know. For me it ended up turning out how I wanted.

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The more oils you add, the softer the end product will be. There are additives you can use to combat the greasiness. Isopropyl Myristate (IPM) and dimethicone are just a couple of them. Some peeps add dry flo or cornstarch, although I have found them to promote firmness as the butter sits. Just play around with it until you get the consistency you are looking for...

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Yah, I'm only adding 1oz. of oils to 1lb. of shea also, and it's pretty greasy, even with an added teaspoon of cornstarch.

I may just have to break down and buy some dry flo or something similiar like Elizabeth mentioned just to see how it would effect it, but like I said, the way I made it the first time, WORKS I mean it fulfills it's purpose, so who knows. :rolleyes: LOL

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