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New Computer w/ MS Office?


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Hey Trish....not sure what you need MS Office for, but would OpenOffice work in it's place? I haven't found anything I can't do with Office that I can't do with OO, and no files from either that aren't compatible with the other. OO has the word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, drawing, HTML....etc.

I don't think I'll ever have MS OFfice again....and OO is FREE :yay:.

Oh....I hate Works too!! I have over 1000 fonts in my system, and Works won't print things properly if more than 500 fonts are present. ArgH!

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Guest EMercier

I bought a Dell at a computer show last year. One of the fastest at that time and I took my specifications to them, I did not know what I was talking about (my mom is the computer anaylst) and I walked up with my sheet and they put it all together and installed MS Office and some other stuff. I got a Flat panel monitor and DVD-RW as well as CD-RW all these USB ports and other goodies for $800 (it's also black!). My mom of course had to check it out and was jealous because my computer was better than hers! Of course she went out and got another one. BUT, I say all that to say, you may not have to pay a bunch of money if marketproshows or other computer shows come to your town. I know they come to Valley Forge and Ft. Washington a lot closer to Christmas. That's another route to go, onyl if you are looking for a new computer. Now, if you already have the programs installed you could get an upgrade for less than $100 and to install it takes nothing at all.

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I need Excel and Word specifically. Although Works has a spreadsheet and word processor, I can't open any Excel or Word files and I have several things that I need to use them for! LOL Thanks all!

I have 4 computers and all bought by Dell,,,you can build your own computer and add any software,,,check them out,,,www.dell.com. They have great prices and they are good computers,,,HTH

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Ah well...no biggie. My current computer is fine, but after checking software prices to add MS Office to my system, I figured I might be able to buy a new computer with Office already installed for nearly the same price! I was surprised that every single site I looked at had Works preinstalled. Ugh, I don't want to spend that much money for Excel...

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I'm tellin' ya....OpenOffice is all you need :D

It opens Word and Excel files. It lets you edit Word and Excel files. You can save them in Excel or Word format, or in OpenOffice format. You can create documents from scratch in OpenOffice and the save them in Word or Excel formats.

It's simply loverly, lol!

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