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Humidity! Sweating!


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So we had to get a new dehumidifier a month or so ago. We had rain almost every day last week, both weekend days, and supposed to rain most of this week. The humidity in my weather-sealed basement is 75% according to the new dehumidifier. I'm emptying it daily, so I know it's working. My M&P bars that have been wrapped and put in Rubbermaid shoe boxes are just dandy. However, I had 4 bars sitting out that are WET. I haven't had sweating issues before. Can they be saved? I tried wiping one down with a paper towel and it did nothing. I just moved them to an area that is hopefully drier. It's been 80-90's, and we haven't started the air conditioner yet. It's 70 degrees in the basement, so it's comfortable. Just humid, apparently. Our sump pump is completely dry, so no water coming in....

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same here ... in Indiana as well. We haven't put our window A/C's in yet, so the only way I've been able to get production going on the soaps is taking them to our basement (unfinished) after I pop them out and put the dehumidifier right on them. A few had to literally be set right in front of the unit so that the heat/fan coming from the compressor dried them out. It did work though ~ I had an order of 36 pieces that was covered, and they completely dried up within about 2 hours.

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It's so dry here that sweating isn't usually much of a problem, but in the middle to towards the end of summer it has happened a few times. I did what you did, dried them with a paper towel and then put them near a fan. They cleared up in a few hours and were fine after that. I would think that moving them to a drier area will help, but in a place where you constantly have to use a dehumidifier I'm just not sure. Crossing my fingers for ya!

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I had that problem last year. Buy a container of DampRid--you can get it at several retailers and I placed it in a sealable plastic container with the soap and it keeps it dry. I had some that had started to bead and it took care of those as well. I now use that regularly to store my soap in.

Link to where you can buy:


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We have a big, open basement, so I'm not concerned about the heat. I checked the dehumidifier this morning, and the bucket was empty (emptied yesterday morning), and it still said 72% humidity. It smelled funny, so I turned it off and DH will check it tonight :angry2: We just got this one about a month ago, it better not have died yet, those are expensive!

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I had that problem last year. Buy a container of DampRid--you can get it at several retailers and I placed it in a sealable plastic container with the soap and it keeps it dry. I had some that had started to bead and it took care of those as well. I now use that regularly to store my soap in.

Link to where you can buy:


I bought one of these the other day, but did you do this for each batch of soap? I have so many batches sweating right now and at $2.99 a pop it's going to get expensive.

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I bought one of these the other day, but did you do this for each batch of soap? I have so many batches sweating right now and at $2.99 a pop it's going to get expensive.

I only did this on two batches, I am not a soapmaker. You can buy bigger sizes for use in a small room or closet.

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We are in winter here and just had two weeks of rain. My soaps are going through menopause, and the salt bars are crying.

Even those that are wrapped have pools of water in there. Makes is very difficult to prewrap bars when I can't stop the sweating.

I was wondering if shrink wrapping might me better. I might give that a go and see if it makes a difference.

Humidity here during summer is usually around the 80-90% so it is always an on going battle.

Very depressing at times.


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