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What kind of soap would an East Indian like?


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I need some suggestions. A lady bought some soap from me (that had lard) AND without thinking - she gave it to an East Indian Lady Doctor. She later found out that the doctor gave it away, because her religious practices don't allow them to associate with pork.

So, my customer said this doctor is retiring and the nicest doctor in the world and she wants me to make a custom soap log for her.

Does anyone have any ideas of a good blend that an East Indian lady doctor would like? I know vegan is good BUT is there any inside information that anyone might have knowlege of - like spices or oils specific to that region???

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Do you thing a woman would like Patchouli? That is kind of a manly scent - don't you think?

Hear me roar too! You know, Southern SOapers has a Caravan sent and a Cashmeran that might give you some ideas. Oh and a maharani padparadasha or something similar.

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Scented - you are too funny.

Carebear - I have been soaping for 9 years, but only seriously this past year. I really want to dig in and learn a lot of things I never knew.

Mostly, I just throw stuff in a pan and cross my fingers. The calculator I have has really kept me out of trouble. I think I found it on millersoap.com. It is a good one though.

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Believe it or not they are a very herbal culture. Therapeutic is considered Ayurvedic in their culture. Ginger, Almond, Licorice or Anise. Aloe Vera, Frankincense, Myrrh and basil. There are several more but off the top of my head those are some of the English names. They tend to rename their herbs in their native tongue.

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