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Um . .any tricks for getting candle dye out of your skin and hair? Yes . ..really . .

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I seemed not to notice a big glop of red candle dye got on my hand and then I rubbed my hair. Ack, now I have a red splotch in my bangs and all over my hand. Soap and shampoo and scrubs have not helped!

I can't be the only one to have ever done this, lol . . . .

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Mineral oil will work too and it is cheaper then fo. If the stain is deep in your skin then bleach and water will take it right off. The hair I don't know, if it is really bad I think Sally's has a hair color remover. It is the stuff hairdressers use on your skin if they get hair dye off your forehead, neck and ears... you know maybe it will work on hair too?? If not then I think it would eventually wash out or you could just color or recolor your hair, like it never happened.

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Yeah, the thumbprint dyed fushia bangs - very attractive, lol!

I haven't tried anything tough on the hair yet, I don't think I have mineral oil, but will look around.

I can try a stripper on my hair if nothing else works. Course, my pretty highlights will go then too, lol.

I can just see my hair stylists face if I walked in like this!

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Try wiping your hair with baby wipes, you may have to section it off (like you would to blow dry, curl or flat iron). I wipe my hands with baby wipes after a day of candle making, and it works very well.

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Try alcohol for your hair, I had a friend call me asking how to get sharpie out of her daughters hair (red & green), root to end that her friend colored in. I told her to try the alcohol and it worked great!!! Worth a try for candle dye (although I am not willing to try it out for you, LOL) As for your hands, I just use a little melted wax and it works like a charm, I usually have a small amount left after pouring and that is what I use. Whatever you try, I hope it works for you!

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GOO GONE!!!!! Is the BOMB! As soon as you spray it on the dye spot, it immediately starts to drip off your skin. Excellent, Excellent Product!

Goo Gone is amazing for everything! I don't know if it's a good idea to put on your skin though, it's pretty strong. But i suppose if it's that bad you can take off some of your skin ;) lol

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Goo Gone is amazing for everything! I don't know if it's a good idea to put on your skin though, it's pretty strong. But i suppose if it's that bad you can take off some of your skin ;) lol

Yup, it works too. If your skin is tough, no biggie. If it's normal, it'll dry it out just a bit. If it's sensitive, I wouldn't try it :embarasse

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