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WHOOO - no longer a CP virgin *pic heavy!*

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I am super excited. I JUST finished wrapping my little bundle of pure CP love and had to share in my experience. First off, thanks to Eugenia for such a simple and informative tutorial on how to get started. I used your shoebox idea to make my own mold. :) And thanks also to tychels who has been such a doll and helped me figure out soap calc (not to mention cheer me on)! You both rawk! :D

I'm posting pics of my progress. I swear I think I did something wrong. haha! Which, UPDATE! I did. Well, not wrong, but I didn't let my oils cool nor my lye water. AND I didn't take the temp of the water before mixing it into the oils. Hopefully it turns out okay anyways. I didn't add any FO and it traced really quickly. I pry only mixed it with my stick blender for about 5 min tops. I think next time I'll just use my whisk for this formulation (IF it turned out okay...). Which by the way, I used the following oils:





Cherry Kernal

Rice Bran

Shea Butter

I was a wee bit scared to use FO, so I didn't scent it. In any case, here are some pics I took. I'll upload pics of it unmolded when I get to it, most likely tomorrow. I'm going to be hand milling this later on so I can experiment. :)









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Jadewicks, I also used Eugenia's Tutorial. I wasn't brave enough to venture off from her recipe. Don't you feel like you've triumph over the lye?:laugh2:

But as you said, I didn't use fragrance oil either, I was a little afraid of it. I think, like many have said, you're gonna be addicted to this immediately.

Can't wait to see the end product. I wish you well.:grin2:


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Not knowing your temps is probably behind one of the reasons you traced quickly, since didn't you say the lye hadn't cooled?

The amount of time you run a stick blender will bring trace on quickly. If you went 5 minutes straight with it going instead of short blasts and stirring, then in would come to trace quickly.

I'm curious in the pix with the mold filled, what's the orange?

Congrats on losing your virginity!

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Not knowing your temps is probably behind one of the reasons you traced quickly, since didn't you say the lye hadn't cooled?

The amount of time you run a stick blender will bring trace on quickly. If you went 5 minutes straight with it going instead of short blasts and stirring, then in would come to trace quickly.

I'm curious in the pix with the mold filled, what's the orange?

Congrats on losing your virginity!

I think the orange you are seeing at the overhead kitchen lights.

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Thanks so much for the encouragement! :)

Jadewicks, I also used Eugenia's Tutorial. I wasn't brave enough to venture off from her recipe. Don't you feel like you've triumph over the lye?:laugh2:

But as you said, I didn't use fragrance oil either, I was a little afraid of it. I think, like many have said, you're gonna be addicted to this immediately.

YES! I felt like I was conducting a science experiment with my goggles on and gloves, etc. But, I totally know why that needs to be done. When I used my mixer, I'm glad it wasn't full. The soap tried to get me. haha

I think it was the adrenaline of figuring out soap calc that I wanted to make my own recipe right off the bat. I kept Eugenia's tut up so I could come back and look at her pics. haha

I was a little afraid of the FO too. But, I also knew ahead of time that I wanted to hand-mill it, so I fought the urge to have something that smelled extra perty after it was all done.

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Not knowing your temps is probably behind one of the reasons you traced quickly, since didn't you say the lye hadn't cooled?

The amount of time you run a stick blender will bring trace on quickly. If you went 5 minutes straight with it going instead of short blasts and stirring, then in would come to trace quickly.

I'm curious in the pix with the mold filled, what's the orange?

Congrats on losing your virginity!

Yup-- I think so too. Next time I'm going to let my lye come to room temp first before adding it to any oils. I'm going to also stir more by hand with the blender instead of turning it on. I didn't go 5 min straight. I did short bursts mainly because it was loud and I did this pretty late (apartment living at its finest--sure my neighbors loved me).

What I don't love is the bubbles that formed on top. I didn't tap my mold to get the extra bubbles out. It seems they've all gone on top. Just took a look a bit ago and it's turned much darker but dont' know if it's gelled yet. I'll have to take a pic. haha

Btw, yes, Z is right. It's the lighting above. At first I wasn't sure what you meant by orange. haha I thought you meant all of my soap. Like it wasn't supposed to be that color.

Thanks again for the whoo-hoo's. Definately excited to see how it turns out when I unmold it tonight! :D

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