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I have been debating for sometime what to use for samples.Finally decided the flower pot votive.The 8 ounce JJ was to big.The tealight was to small and the tarts sometimes are strong on the burner and sometimes not but doesn't mean the candle isn't strong burning. This way the burning of this glass votive will give them a idea of the scent and if it is a good throw.

Thought about the 4 ounce JJ but my goodness those are so expensive.I can only find them at WAL MART and they are like $7.99 for 12.I can get my 8 ounce JJ for $5.45 at a Candle supplier. So not kosher to make the 4 ounce candles or even use them as samples.


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That's a pretty generous sample, but by using the glass flowerpot votive as a mold, you could do a half-sized one that should be inexpensive enough for samples, perhaps.

I dunno - I have not leaned toward giving away candle samples much (except to people who buy my candles, of course!). I don't mind giving away little tarts & melts - they take almost zero labor - but if I have to mess with a wick... I'm less likely to be generous. I know - what a scrooge, eh? :laugh2:

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I have been debating for sometime what to use for samples. Finally decided the flower pot votive.


Yes, Lynn, I totally agree on that method for container candles! I started doing that for the candles I was giving to my testers. When they get their initial set of samples I give them a flower pot. Then I do what Stella suggested - pour more candles using another flower pot as a mold. Now all they have to do is plop the new aroma into their pot. Of course they know to be careful about storing them til they're used since the wax is a container blend...but the CB-135 I use holds shape fairly well. Probably will not work with softer waxes.

For samples that I include with a purchase I just give them a 2oz votive using my votive blend.

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