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Fundraisers, home barties and bears, oh my!


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So....does anyone here do fundraisers? I was just informed that most schools choose their fundraisers at the beginning of the school year, which was VERY discouraging to me. How soon do you get the word out to schools that you do fundraisers? Also, I've called a few churches and they all say that they don't actually do selling, but they'll take donations. Has anyone been successful with church fundraisers? I would like to branch out and start getting my name out locally around here, but I have been unsuccessful, I guess. How do you all advertise for home parties, also? I've done a few of them, but they were all friends, family, friends of friends, friends of family types of things. I'd like to get some new customers that don't even know I exist. This town is a pretty big college town...but college kids don't have any money- so I don't think I want to try advertising at the "in" spots that college kids all go to. And our bulletin boards at our grocery stores are useless...they're basically HIDDEN! HELP!!!! :) Thanks for any input you may have!!!


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My first question would be do you have a large melter. Some of these scholl can gerate sales of 2-3000 candles sales. A large 50lb melter would make things a whole lot easier for you.

I know Kimerly does fund raisers. Maybe she'll chime in. I would just make a brouchuse and sending it to the schools.

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I send out my fundraising info to the schools by the first of August. I find that most decisions are made early in the year. I send a cover letter, photos of the candles, and a copy of the packet that I provide for selling.


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Around here, the schools choose their fundraisers around May for the following year. You most likely will need to contact the PTA.

I haven't attempted any school fundraisers, but have done a few for youth sports. In fact, just started one today for the cheerleaders I coach to earn money for National's.

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