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Bath Bombs for Scented

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I tried some new colors after your threads. These are all done with labcolors or la bomb colors BTW

BRV (a blend of LaBomb lilac, fuschia and red labcolors)


BB Energy (lilac and a blend of True tone orange and canary lab)


BB Plumeria (lilac LaBomb)


This isn't new, but pretty bright (the picture doesn't show how bright it REALLY is! AH da lime in da coconut - I call it Electric lime coconut (lime lab). If people think it makes the water look like they peed in it they aren't telling me! :grin2: It's my # seller in bombs!


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LOL!!! I love the looks!

I may have to try out those colors. I'm getting tired though of colors for this, colors for that and the other thing. I'm starting to get mixed up.

Now electric kiwi color should have a green tint to it ... not a pee color lol!

Here's a basket of various colors ... dunno if they will show up though, but it's only half of what needs packaged. :embarasse



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They weigh just under 8 oz. They are about baseball size or just slightly bigger.

Scented - I know the electric lime coconut should be green - but I thought the "lime" would be green, but the more I added the brighter it got, not greener. Started to sell them and that's what stuck!

I hear ya' on colors. I've practically stopped using liquids in CP altogether so I have liquids for bath bombs and powders for soap...

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Were they made with a snow baller? I love them! I have yet to find a recipe that worked for me :( I will conquer these one of these days!

Nope, an ornament...

here's my base recipe (pretty sure I got it off here and may have tweeked a bit):

2 cups Baking soda

1 cup corn starch

1 cup citric

5 TB liquid oils (sunflower, olive, avocado, etc.)

2-3 TB water (I'm always on the upper end of this)

1-1.5 TB FO

liquid color.

combine dry stuff

combine liquid stuff

Add the liquid to the dry slowly stirring like crazy. It should feel like damp sand. pack it good and tight in the mold. Tap all around the outside of the mold. Release and set on paper to dry. This makes 3 3inch diameter bombs and one meatballer bomb - I send those out as samples!

I'm telling you bath bombs were the very hardest thing for me to learn to make. I tried for a month or so, gave up for about 3 months, then picked it up again messing up over and over. Then one day it happened - no cracks, no fizzing (before the bath that is!) so then I made about 100, no kidding, 100 bombs over two days. Over and over so I would get the feel ingrained in my head. 'Cause that's the secret, learning how that darn stuff is supposed to feel when you mold it - that can't be taught over the net! Oh and working fast, because it really does dry out quickly. If you start making bigger bombs I think it is far easier to get because you are making three as opposed to, oh, I think this recipe makes 9-12 meatballer size - start bigger, you'll be glad you did!

and sometimes the weather makes you nuts because the humidity means less water, and the dry means more (or the moon is full, or the wind is blowing from the west, ;) ) but the formula above is pretty consistent for Western WA for me.

Man, I just got done helping a newbie soaper via a long email so now I'm feeling all nicey nice and teacher like...SORRY!:D

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all the bombs look wonderful!!! bath bombs are really a learn as you make mistakes project :D

i check the weather before i even attempt to start on bombs LOL all i can say is ...practice practice practice and if you do mess up, hey you always have cool fizzy lumpy powder to toss into the tub

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Nope, an ornament...

here's my base recipe (pretty sure I got it off here and may have tweeked a bit):

2 cups Baking soda

1 cup corn starch

1 cup citric

5 TB liquid oils (sunflower, olive, avocado, etc.)

2-3 TB water (I'm always on the upper end of this)

1-1.5 TB FO

liquid color.

combine dry stuff

combine liquid stuff

Add the liquid to the dry slowly stirring like crazy. It should feel like damp sand. pack it good and tight in the mold. Tap all around the outside of the mold. Release and set on paper to dry. This makes 3 3inch diameter bombs and one meatballer bomb - I send those out as samples!

I'm telling you bath bombs were the very hardest thing for me to learn to make. I tried for a month or so, gave up for about 3 months, then picked it up again messing up over and over. Then one day it happened - no cracks, no fizzing (before the bath that is!) so then I made about 100, no kidding, 100 bombs over two days. Over and over so I would get the feel ingrained in my head. 'Cause that's the secret, learning how that darn stuff is supposed to feel when you mold it - that can't be taught over the net! Oh and working fast, because it really does dry out quickly. If you start making bigger bombs I think it is far easier to get because you are making three as opposed to, oh, I think this recipe makes 9-12 meatballer size - start bigger, you'll be glad you did!

and sometimes the weather makes you nuts because the humidity means less water, and the dry means more (or the moon is full, or the wind is blowing from the west, ;) ) but the formula above is pretty consistent for Western WA for me.

Man, I just got done helping a newbie soaper via a long email so now I'm feeling all nicey nice and teacher like...SORRY!:D

Teach away:D Thank you for the recipe, I am waiting for my snow baller to get here, and then I am going to town!

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girls, I made the bombs today for the first time and they turned out wonderful, wished I had my camera at home today. I will take pics tomorrow for yall..I have them shaped like charubs, snow flakes and the irish triangle. They are great, thanks for the recipe.:highfive: I scented them with sandalwood rose, wowowwo

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