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New to candlemaking

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I have just started candle making for the first time and tonight I have attemptd my first candle. I have already learnt not to put them in the fridge as soon as you have poured to save time!!! This resulted in the candle coming away from the walls of the mould between layers.

I was looking for any tips or advice anyone has to offer?

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Welcome to candlemaking and candle tech.

The first thing I learned was to have patience. I believe you are on your way to learning that.

Take your time to learn. Be patient. Practice. Test, and test some more. Everything will come together in time.

Good luck to you.

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Welcome to CT and the addiction!

Best advice? Read, read and read some more! :read::read::read:

A great place to start...


Including the links to the FAQ's and Tips. (Those go to the old board and load a bit slow, but are definitely worth the wait!) :yes:

Then there's links to CT (CandleTech) on the top left here. Basic info, tips & techniques, all kinds of good stuff. :cheesy2:

For your first experience... that's a bit confusing. I'm guessing it's a pillar if you're using a mold. It's supposed to pull away from the mold, that's how you get it out. Pulling away between layers is a different story. Are you making different color layers in the candle and those came apart? Or like a rustic finish that the surface layer came off and stuck to the mold? The fridge may be the cause, but it may not. We really need more info to help ;)

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Test, test, test and just when you think you got it, test some more. It's an addiction really.

Start selling stuff you don't need anymore to pay for your candle and soap supplies. (I said it was an addiction, didn't I? :P )

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