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New births in CP!

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Pic 1 is Sweet Innocence. It was supposed to be red oxide, but it's pink. I gotta work on measuring those oxides, dammit. I used the fo at .7 & it's sticking to me like crazy & smelling up the room it's curing in!

Pic 2 is Tony's Lilac. The purple came out exactly how I wanted it, but the wannabe swirls suck. Tony's Lilac kicks but in my M&P and everything else, but I'm not loving it in CP. Maybe a good cure will take care of that, I hope. So far the bar is feeling really creamy, which I do love.

Pic 1 & 2 were 1.5# batches (just cause I could :P )

Miss Hisbiscus asked us earlier today "How low can you go?" Well, so far down to an 8oz batch. That's pic 3 scented w/ Floralissma. That yellow is a freaky looking baby poo color, and wow, that's a strong floral! I made some M&P w/ it & used 1/4 oz to a # and it's smelling the same in both.

I'm actually a lil' proud of that...umm...stuff I did on top. It was definitely a lot easier than trying to swirl. Would that be considered texture? :laugh2:

As frustrating as some parts may be, this CP stuff is very relaxing. I was hand-stirring my lil batch, looking out the window at the deer, with Johnny Gill singing softly in the background & my dogs snoring to the beat. So calming LOL

Thanks for loking ya'll.

Critiques, tips & tricks are always welcome :D




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I think the colors are fabulous, love the soft look of the Lilac.

You did a 8oz batch? Holy shiznit. Brave woman, you are. I have gram scale and still won't do it. Maybe I'm overthinking the whole small batch theory. Or just plain lazy. :rolleyes2

The Floralissma looks way cool on top, I'd like to see a cut pic, when it's ready. LOL!

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Well they came out pretty beautiful even though the color wasn't what you wanted. Love the crinkle cut too! The last one, well the color is different but the texture is amazing. Yes I'd call it a texture. LOL I think plain colored soaps with the texture on them are beautiful. They're fun to make too, from what I've experienced. Like playing with cake icing. LOL :)

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I think the colors are fabulous, love the soft look of the Lilac.

You did a 8oz batch? Holy shiznit. Brave woman, you are. I have gram scale and still won't do it. Maybe I'm overthinking the whole small batch theory. Or just plain lazy. :rolleyes2

The Floralissma looks way cool on top, I'd like to see a cut pic, when it's ready. LOL!

LMAO :laugh2: Nah, not brave, just a little nutty...and broke! I have M&P bases to buy, tons of oils to get (have you seen the price of Meadowfoam :eek:) , & a million other things I "need". I refuse to waste anything! So I figure if I create a recipe I end up not liking or use a fo I end up hating, I haven't wasted much, KWIM? Plus, I want to see if the Earth will cave in if I do a teeny batch LOL

Next on the "down low" soap batch is 1 single, solitary 4oz bar. :D

What's the "small batch theory"? You know I'm a CP noob!

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Love your new babies!.....8 oz huh?...WELL, I guess it's been brought-ed :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: why this is unheard of for an experienced soaper:shocked2: and here comes a noob doing 8 oz batches....whouda thunk it? All that's left is the single bar and I say, Go For It!:bow:

Waiting for cut pics:waiting:

anyone else want to try it?

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Thanks everyone for the encouragement!

Here is the Floralissima cut. I got 3 bars, but I was so frantic, I stuck a bar in some water just to make sure it would float (it's 100% coconut) and hot damn it did :yay: And WOOOOOOOOW! I had to use a teeny, tiny slither just to be sure I actually had soap. That lil' slither bubbled like crazy. I can only imagine what a full bar will do.

I did not think I'd like the 100% coconut soap, but it just may become the standard CP in my house!


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