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What's in your soap pot this weekend?


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I have no idea what I am going to make this weekend :confused: . I got some great shea in but really don't have an idea what i want to do with it. Maybe make some more liquid soap, or scrubs. I have also never done layered soap so might try that, I just don't know what I want to do. I need motivation! The weather here is rotten and has made me want to hide and not do anything.

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I think I'm gonna follow Z's tutorial and make some liquid soap. I've made a few batches (about 7 or so) and they turn out okay, but are never the crystal clear like some of the peoples that took the actual class. The instructions are slightly different that the method(s) I've used before, so maybe this one will be the golden method? LOL We'll see. I'm gonna try anyway. :)

Also, I have triple layered candles I'm going to play around with.

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NOTHING!! And I'm excited about it... I get to take over the whole back room for myself, I'm getting 'evicted' from my little closet in the hall, so everything has to move and I have to sort out how I'm going to organize everything I have. I may have to hit ebay and get rid of some stuff (tons of yarns and paper and other crafty stuff)

I'm also going to need to figure a shopping list for cupboards or something. A formal dining space is a pretty good sized room, so lots of shopping to do to keep stuff in!

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I am going to try out my very first recipe...After many questions...and so much help here for all you wonderful ladies...

I am going to give it a go....keep your fingers crossed for me...:undecided

I am also going to divide my recipe up into about 6 equal portions once I have it all stirred up..so I can try out some new FO's...

I am getting tired of making swirls and in a few weeks I can't even see them.....

Wish me luck....:) I will probably need it...lol

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NOTHING!! And I'm excited about it... I get to take over the whole back room for myself, I'm getting 'evicted' from my little closet in the hall, so everything has to move and I have to sort out how I'm going to organize everything I have. I may have to hit ebay and get rid of some stuff (tons of yarns and paper and other crafty stuff)

I'm also going to need to figure a shopping list for cupboards or something. A formal dining space is a pretty good sized room, so lots of shopping to do to keep stuff in!

Great!! I wish I had a room all for myself!! Have fun designing it to meet your needs.

8 Grans good luck with your recipe. It is always scary when you make your own up at first, you will be a pro at it before you know it.

J, Z's recipe is easy and comes out so nice. It was my first time and I had no problems with it being clear.

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J, Z's recipe is easy and comes out so nice. It was my first time and I had no problems with it being clear.

That's good to know!! :)

However, when I got home from work I went to the basement (where I keep my oils) and I have lard and some coconut and that's about all I have at the moment!! I made about 4 batches of CP last weekend and didnt' realize I was so low on so many oils! :rolleyes2 Guess it's time to stock up, so I'll probably just be doing the candles this week along with an oil inventory so I can put an order in on Sunday or Monday, and make the LS next weekend.

It's a bummer because I was looking forward to it...

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I'm trying a new Lavender FO. Like I need another Lavender in my line...I hate Lavender, and yet I sell so much of the stuff!!!

The rest is restocks:

Pink Dragon (dragon's blood and grapefruit)

Bee My Honey (honey L'occitane type)

Ginger Bubbles (BB Champagne)

I have on the docket come Monday Asian plum and Black Raspberry Vanilla to try.

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I'm trying a new Lavender FO. Like I need another Lavender in my line...I hate Lavender, and yet I sell so much of the stuff!!!

The rest is restocks:

Pink Dragon (dragon's blood and grapefruit)

Bee My Honey (honey L'occitane type)

Ginger Bubbles (BB Champagne)

I have on the docket come Monday Asian plum and Black Raspberry Vanilla to try.

Ooh - That pink dragon sounds good. I love that name!!

I have never smelled Dragon's Blood but I've heard raves on it, and I LOVE anything Grapefruit scent.

I may have to get a bar or 2 from you when it's ready!

Let me know!

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First I have to say Lovely, that little one you have as an avatar right now is just the cutest!!! That little one should be in commercials or something, seriously. Adorable! :)

I need to get my act together and get back to testing my candles. I've had fun with the soap and it's so addicting, but I really need to get working on candles. I've had some new wicks to test here for a month, and haven't touched them yet, so, I'm going to play with some wax this weekend. :)

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First I have to say Lovely, that little one you have as an avatar right now is just the cutest!!! That little one should be in commercials or something, seriously. Adorable! :)

I need to get my act together and get back to testing my candles. I've had fun with the soap and it's so addicting, but I really need to get working on candles. I've had some new wicks to test here for a month, and haven't touched them yet, so, I'm going to play with some wax this weekend. :)

Thanks Vio for noticing my avatar and for the chance to brag!! , that sweetie is my granddaughter, Shantea she is 14 months old. She has the biggest eyes that just dance. she has the best facial expressions, too. I wish she didn't live 7 hours away. Have fun with your candles. if you need someone to test them let me know, I don't make them, hint, hint!!

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God bless her!!! She really is adorable!!!! :)

LOL When I get these darned things to where they burn somewhat right, I'll send ya one to test for me! Have to stay away from the soap long enough to concentrate on them though. Darned soap is so addicting! LOL ;)

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I, earlier this evening, made a 4# batch of Goat Milk soap scented Sandalwood/Balsam Fir. I smells GREAT. It was quit the experience too since I could find no information from the Scent Review, I wing it. I also subbed out Palm for the lard in the origional recipe.

The soap didn't seize but it came to a thick trace quickly enough! Whoa!:shocked2:

I didn't do any sort of a water discount either. I had enough new things going on in the recipe that I didn't think this was the recipe to try my first WD.

Anyways, though it was faster than I was expecting, I was prepaired and glopped it into my mold. I poppped it into the fridge but twenty minutes later I peeked and it had started gelling so I pulled it out and just set it on the counter to finish gelling. I certainly didn't want partial gel so I'm hoping it will be okay.:tiptoe:


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Fire, Did the GM finish gelling? I have better luck by putting my GM soaps in the freezer lately. I had always just used the frig but after 2 of them starting to gel there I now put them in the freezer. No gel so far doing it that way.

SYR when your done spring cleaning I need some help! I have such an unorganized mess here. I would have to tke a week to fix it. I couldn't begin to think about making all that stuff and spring clean. Your foot cream and summer sorbet sounds interesting.

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