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Cream of Tomato (liquid) Soap

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Made with tomato juice (1 lb tomatoes puréed and strained) with milk after dilution. Scented with tomato leaf. I did have to add some color to it to brighten the color up. I made this to go with the cream of tomato bar soap.

On the left is a sample of it before the milk was added. I was surprised; I expected it to be much more opaque.

Thanks for looking.


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I was concerned about the acid from the tomatoes when I was planning it, that it would neutralize a significant amount of the lye and throw to much fat out into the soap. Real soap is alkaline; if you try to lower the PH below 8.5 to 9.5 (dependent upon the fatty acids) it throws the fat out of the soap, the alkaline then combines with the acid to form salts (this can be seen if you try to neutralize LS with to much boric or citric acid. Fortunately tomatoes contain a mild acid so all that it seemed to do is mildly superfat this soap (note the cloudiness in the sample).

I doubt this would do a lot for skunk, it really doesn’t contain enough tomato juice. But I hope it has enough lycopene and other antioxidants and vitamins to feel good on the skin. However I think this is mostly just a novelty. I can’t imagine anyone actually using it, it came out looking more like cream of tomato soup (and the tomato leaf scent just seems to intensify the effet) than I thought it would, LOL. However I learned a lot from making it and think I will be making a companion LS for the 24 Carrot Gold bar soon.

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Thanks Grandma and Carebear for explaining that to me. I just could not fathom using tomatoes in any products that you would use on your skin. As soon as someone says 'tomato' , I think acidic.

But like I said before Grandma, it sure looks pretty in that bottle.

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Ya know....I used tomato juice for a cream soap I made for the home grown swap last year. The color was no where near as rich as this. Makes me want to do it again. Now pumpkin... whole different ball of wax.

I had to add some FDC “Christmas Red” to get this color. It was still to amber before I added to color to suit what I wanted.

GrandmaA, you are such an inspiration and so knowledgabe.

Me? Knowledgeable? No, not really, but I am learning, though I think soap will be a lifetime learning experience. I only regret I started so late in life! Just thinkv how much I would know if I had started oh… say 20 or 30 years ago! LOL.

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