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Any 1343 users notice something different

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I hate to cause a panic but I swear my 1343A looks different. I just opened up a brand new box and the 1st slab looked different to me right from the start. I've been using this wax for years and yesterday as I was making my candles I noticed the way it was setting up was different. I unmolded my candles and they are much more creamy looking than I'm used to.

I'm going to make more pillars today, maybe it's me. Maybe I used vybar instead of my UA? I swear I didn't but I thought I'd ask if anyone else noticed that the 1343A looks different to them.

I know I am probably being a little on the anal side but a big part of the reason I deal with 1343A is because of the look. These new ones don't look like "my candles".

Karen B

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Unfortunately this is just a fact of life. I see significant variations in most paraffins depending on where and when they were produced.

Paraffin is a natural product that's affected by the composition of the crude oil feedstock, just as veggie products can differ with the seasons and source of raw materials. The same product number can also be made in more than one facility with different raw materials.

They can control the production parameters to try and make a consistent product, but it can't be exactly the same, always and forever. Sometimes they even discontinue a type of paraffin if it becomes impractical to provide a product within the given specs.

I think all you can do is always buy from a single lot when you make a new purchase and be prepared to adapt if necessary.

PS - I think it would be true to say that there aren't really two different kinds of 1343. There are really many kinds of 1343. They just separate out the batches that don't mottle, because that's a basic consideration for many customers.

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So you mean I'm not going crazy Scented? (OK what I mean is when it comes to this wax) <lol> Nothing else is different with the burn quality right? (I'll check this new batch)

I just thought it looked different, and my colors aren't what I'm used to. Probably the refining process and nothing I can do but I'm really weird about my wax and I know what I'm used to.

Thanks, Top I just saw your response too. That is what i was thinking, I'm just not used to it being this bad. But, the 1st slab in the box looked the worst.

Also yes you're right, different lots of 1343 can be different. I don't know if they put an "N" on the ones that don't mottle or if it has other meanings, I just know I kind of like to look for the "A". But, I don't like the pellet form which is a whole different can of worms. I agree there are probably many different grades of the wax that fall under the acceptable parameters for 1343.

Karen B

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