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Precious Moments Candle Containers

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Does anyone every email people they see selling things with what has to be trademarked images etc. and tell them about selling without permission?

Just wondering....

I was zooming around esty and have seen lots of stuff on there (nothing candle or B&B related) that has things like spongebob etc. on the products and you know these people can't have the rights to sell so just wondering if anyone actually emails these people about it?

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Most large companies who have trademarked characters, slogans, or insignia have software that continually searches the internet for keywords. If they find you, you'll most likely be the unhappy recipient of a C&D.

Stores like Hallmark buy rights to market trademarked items.

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I figured the companies watch out somehow but just wondering if people actually take the time to tell these sellers they could get into trouble for it?

Just gets me that so many people sell and don't care..it's like begging for trouble.

It's a no brainier that this stuff is TM-ed so it just surprises me that it's so "out there" when they sell.

Last year at a craft show one lady had a whole booth (12x12) of gel candles in sports themed glasses....she thought it was great cause she got all the glasses at flea markets for cheap.....:tiptoe: She didn't see the problem and figures how would anyone know...well you never do know but she didn't get that point, along with the other safety issues going on but what ya gonna do...:tongue2:

anyway sorry for the hijack...

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At a very large show that's held in my city twice a year, the 2 major state universities swooped in and lowered the boom on people selling stuff with the football teams' themes. I don't know how it ended, but those vendors probably won't be promoting OU and OSU for awhile. lol

Several years ago I had a friend who made adorable pet clothes. She made the cutest things with OU/OSU stuff on them. That little venture of hers didn't last long. They caught her. She then inquired about buying the rights but it was way over her head financially. As I recall, she had to pay just to be considered before a panel. No refund if the answer was, "no". It was very messy and very iffy, so she declined to play their game.

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