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My first soapies

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Yay!! I did it I made soap!! So its not quite as pretty as y'alls, but it's mine!!:D

It really wasn't as scary as it seemed, the lye bit was easy and what I was most unsure about.

I used Scandalous from NG for my FO and though I don't have any micas or anything yet.. I'm going to have to look at those pop colors, sooo pretty, I used a few drops of believe it or not blue food drops. Sure came out a pretty pinky purple, go fig :confused:

Thanks everyone for the encouragement!! I'm definately going to try this again!!





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Yeah Libby, you took the plunge!! Looks like it turned out terrific! I bet you have a million different ideas running through your head for your next batch....fo's...colors.

(Is she addicted yet? Come on, we all know it only takes that first batch :P )

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ok, ok I admit it, I'm hooked, in fact I just popped over to TKB and found a sampler set of the pop colors and a couple other things I just had to toss in the cart.

I'm really thinking this will help my skin, usually my hands get REALLY REALLY dry after washing them. But after washing up my mess from last night, I haven't even had to reach for the lotion yet... :shocked2: I didn't get a realy foamy or bubbly anything when I washed up, but have read enough to know not to really expect too much on the first day. Now the hard part I guess.. waiting for the cure.

I'm going to have to bust out my FOs in my candle space n see what I have in the big bottles I might want to soap... practice makes perfect right?!

Off to Albertson's to pick up some more OO and maybe a little lard... see which I like working with better.... and what makes a better soap for what I like...



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