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Greenleaf Soy Additive

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I have cb135 coming today with some bw, thats what I'm trying. I have been using cba and the hot scent throw just isn't there. I was told to add some bw to cb135 to help lesson the frosting. I can let you know if it works. I have asked many candle burners what they prefer, frosted candle that smells better or pretty candle no frosting that doesn't have as much scent throw. They all want the frosting as long as it smells strong. I'm not real sure how much bw to put in a pound of cb135 so if someone can give me an idea that would be great. Thanks

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I have never used your wax, but used to use all soy 415 and added (I think from what I can remember, don't have my notes w/ me at work) 1 teaspoon of BW. It did help some with frosting but wasn't as consistent as I would have liked. HTH.

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perhaps I'm not making myself clear. I'm not asking about BW etc, so I'll start again.

Has anyone used the UNIVERSAL SOY ADDITIVE from GL Candle Supply (Greenleaf) as seen on the following link:


This universal soy additive is also available from the Candlemaker's Store.

My specific question is whether there is anyone who has used this additive in soy wax and if so what were the results, and in particular I would be interested to hear from anyone who has used Universal Soy Additive in CB-135.

I'm not asking about beeswax, coconut oil or any other additive - just this universal soy additive please!


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I have tryed it from Just by Nature. I use CB-3 And no it does not work I have tryed it all. I just want to pull my hair out over the frosting. I just got the 70/30 from Green Leaf it said it had a great cold throw and hot throw with no frosting. Well there was no frosting and the hot throw was good but not a good cold throw. The CB-3 has a great hot and cold throw but bad bad frosting. Hope this helps ~ Julie

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A product that could do away with the typical problems associated with soy?
Don't get TOO enthusiastic! It doesn't "do away with the problems" - it does help, just as all the other techniques and stuff helps a little bit, too. I use the USA from JBN with NatureWax C3 and, for the most part, I think it's a decent product, but it's NO panacea!! ;)

I do note a little "ooph" in the hot throw and the tops are smoother and the texture of the wax is more homogenous. I am not sure it does a whole lot about frosting, but I'd dance around a totem pole if I thought it'd cure frosting issues! :P)

Some folks get by without using any additives - I think they have a natural "feel" for the medium. Would love to just watch 'em work and note all the little things they do that they don't even realize they are doing so right! :tongue2:

PS There has been much discussion about USA in the threads... don't remember if it was specific to Greenleaf nor the brand of wax that you use, but we've talked about it quite a bit. ;)

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Thank you for the replies. I poured the cb135 w/1/2 TBS bw, and have the cba in the same jar, same fo, same wick. Just the cold scent throw before I lit them was stronger in the cb135. I have each one is a separate room to check on how well it smells when I enter the room. Now I will check and log each hour on the test burn. If I can get more hot scent throw with this cb135 I'll be happy. I did notice the cb135 had a cauliflower looking top I had to heat gun out, but it looks great now. If I knew how to put pics on here I could show the test results. They are both burning the same, but it seems the cb135 I can smell a bit more than the cda but its too early yet. Wish me luck.

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If I knew how to put pics on here I could show the test results.

A forum search revealed the following quick instructions on posting attachments to the message.


For posting inlline, the image file has to reside on a webserver somewhere and you paste the URL between the BBCode tags

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or tool from the editing bar in the message posting window. The link below explains this...

from the FAQ...


I hope you'll start a new thread for your results since you aren't using the additive from Greenleaf...

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If you do work it out, it would be best to start a new thread as it's nothing to do with this one and you'll get the response you need based upon the title of your new thread instead of in this one, which only people interested in greenleaf soy additive will open.

I have just purchased some of the sticky wax and the soy additive from GL and will post here what the results are.

just wondering if I can use them together.


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Thanks Grama, we try hard! How about if I try to give my response here for everyone :) (Just happened to drop in over here for a little bit).

USA - our USA is the same as other suppliers. It is the same additive that soy manufacturers use to provide the smooth tops, etc. with some of the versions of soy. There are times that adding more, even to C-3 (or similar soys), helps with the neverending, dreaded frosting issue. It seems to "toughen up" the soys and calm it to a point. However, as we all know with soy - that can change with the next batch you buy unfortunately.

In the past, we also tried beeswax in the soy but found that even though it helped with the frosting problem, it could "bind" some scents and cause it not to throw. We moved away from that fairly quickly.

The best solution we found for the frosting issue was using the USA and putting a little less FO in the wax. Even a tenth of an ounce made a difference in a lot of cases - especially with the heavier fall FO's.

Hope this helps someone a little and feel free to contact us if we can be of assistance.


GL Candle Supply

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Hi Brenda

Thanks for the reply. I ordered some USA and some stickywax on your site yesterday (although I didn't get a confirmation email - only a paypal receipt - can you confirm you got the order to be shipped to the UK?)

What I'd like to know is whether I can use your sticky wax additive AND the USA together. If I used the USA to help frosting and the sticky wax to help adhesion...just wondering if that would work or is it not recommended?



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Hi Nat,

We did receive your order and thank you for it. Not sure why you wouldn't get a confirmation email but I will resend it. I answered your email but I will double check the address to make sure we have the same one on the email and the order so that we can make sure you get the info you need.

We do have soy users that use both additives with no problem. You may need to slightly increase the amount of sticky additive when using USA since USA does harden the soy slightly and can cause more pull away or shrinkage. I would start with around 1/2 ounce sticky additive per pound of soy and 1 to 2 tsp of USA per pound. You can always add more or less of one or the other but that seems to be a good starting point. Remember, additives can change the candle enough to require you to change wicking (probably going up in this case) so keep that in mind.



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