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i finally got my lye today and will be making my first batch of CPHP soap tomorrow... i'm extra excited!! i have few last minute questions though....

How do i go about adding Powdered Goatsmilk? or would it be best to use Condenced in a can? how would i do that with water calculations?

I was kindly given a 4lb recipe but i want to only use 2lb recipe to start off, if i cut the calculations in half, like if someone says oh use 16oz of this and 12oz of that...is it ok to cut it in half to make the batch smaller?

how much EO do you know to use? i never got that...

someone once told me you can use crayon chips to dye...is that true?

last but not least how would i use a CP recipe when doing CPHP?curious to know

other than those question i've done all my reading, got my materials and i'm ready to go!! a bit nervous..but i hope to do good

thanks for the help...

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Hi I can't answer all your questions, but make sure you ALWAYS run your recipe through a calculator just to make sure. www.soapcalc.com is one.

I've used condensed goat's milk in a crock pot and it worked out well, just add your lye to your water portion and stir until it's dissolved, then add the milk portion AFTER the lye solution has been added to the oils. I don't know about powdered, but I'd imagine it's something similar. Since it's going to get hot, it might smell like ammonia and/or turn orange, but the smell will fade!

I don't know about crayon chips, but I used food coloring the first time and it was fine, just faded quickly. Don't know about EOs either... lots of help huh?

You can use any recipe for CP or CPHP.

Good luck!

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Cut your recipe in half, but be sure to run the results through a lye calculator just to be sure. Never, ever use crayons in soap. EO's, usually .5 - 1 oz ppo. Goatsmilk is usually frozen and lye poured directly on the frozen goatsmilk. Also, people usually use it as only half of their liquid. If you don't freeze it, it can get all burnt and smelly and dark orange from overheating. Never done any HP so I can't help you there.

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Maybe you can check out Crafty1_AJ Easy Goatmilk recipe? I believe it's a 2lb batch and it looks fairly easy to follow using canned condensed milk. I haven't tried it yet but will real soon.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

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no you cannot use mineral oil - it does not saponify.

As for subbing out the Palm - those other oils will work but you will end up with a soap with different characteristics which you may not like (it may be too soft for starters, maybe prone to DOS depending on your levels). You can check it out at soapcalc.com. And of course you will need to run the new recipe through the lye calculator anyway.

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I'd read up quite a bit if I were you simplyorganic. This forum has a few tutorials and the one I started with was Eugenia's shoebox recipe/method. It was a huge help for me, in getting familiar with the process and also includes directions on how to make a natural colorant using parsley. GM is a big leap I think, if you've never soaped before. Read up on it. I haven't tried it yet, because it can go wrong easily and I don't feel I'm ready yet. It explains in that tutorial how to size oils to fit your mold, how to line your mold and it uses all ingredients that are readily available at your walmart super center food store/pharmacy section. http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=61968

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I'd read up quite a bit if I were you simplyorganic. This forum has a few tutorials and the one I started with was Eugenia's shoebox recipe/method. It was a huge help for me, in getting familiar with the process and also includes directions on how to make a natural colorant using parsley. GM is a big leap I think, if you've never soaped before. Read up on it. I haven't tried it yet, because it can go wrong easily and I don't feel I'm ready yet. It explains in that tutorial how to size oils to fit your mold, how to line your mold and it uses all ingredients that are readily available at ny walmart super center food store/pharmacy section. http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=61968

thanks sooo much...i like that tutorial....

i went ahead with what i knew from studying and made my first batch this morning, glad to say it all went well!! i stuck with a simple palm oil, olive oil & coconut oil recipe...it gave me a small 3lb batch..and it all went well...i saw trace had no zap and now its chillin, lol...:D ..i'm so excited to see how it turns out in a few days!...i didnt trust doing goats milk, call me a scaredy cat! and i left it with no color....

thanks for the patient help ladies..

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I use a goats milk Powder I make a paste with atleast 2 ounces of distilled water and add it at the end of cooking the CPHP make sure the temperature of the CP is below 175 and discount the goats milk paste from your water amount.


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I have used crayons before, when I was first starting out and didn't want to use up my mica's and other expensive colorants. If you can eat them you can wash with them in my opinion. I made some beautiful soaps with crayons.

I have added buttermilk powder etc but way after trace and I took some out of the crock and into a bowl and added the powder and mixed it up and then added it back to the crock. When I used EO's I used 1/2 ounce per pound.

You'll do fine and we are always here if you need help.

I'm sure you know this too but you don't have to wait for your lye to cool to add to your melted oils.

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