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What do you think of the "new" J50 & J223 now?

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I have just started testing these two waxes. I believe the wax I have is the "old" Astorlite wax, which I picked up in the classys. I have been reading all the old J50 and J223 threads and heard quite a few complaints about the time IGI bought out these waxes. Now a few years later, what do you all think of these waxes? Have the issues stabilized? I expect to retest when I buy the IGI versions but would hate to think the old and new waxes are night and day. Thanks for your input.

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I like it better.....to me the burn time is slower and the melt pool is not quite as deep as the original 223. I did notice that on a couple of my heavier oils I did have to wick up, no biggie there. I did have to adjust a few of my colors (reds) as it holds dye just a tad differently than the original. But the best thing about it, adhesion, this wax adheres to the jar much better making it a more beautiful finished candle. Oh and a much better "one pour" wax, no repours for me. JMO ..

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Right now I am using J225 cause my supplier was out of the other J waxes. I miss them. I am not liking the J225. I get holes around the wick that have to be heat gunned out. No matter what temp I pour at... big holes around the wick. Other than that its okay but I am going back to the J50 and J223. I like both and will use them interchangebly cause I know what to expect from each.

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Right now I am using J225 cause my supplier was out of the other J waxes. I miss them. I am not liking the J225. I get holes around the wick that have to be heat gunned out. No matter what temp I pour at... big holes around the wick. Other than that its okay but I am going back to the J50 and J223. I like both and will use them interchangebly cause I know what to expect from each.

Candybee, you said you like both J50 and J223 and you use them interchangeably. If I may ask, why do you use both waxes rather than one or the other? I am finding some differences in my testing (having to wick up for J50 compared to J223) and was having doubts about being able to use only one of them exclusively. Some scents seem to throw better with one than the other also. Previously I was using 4630 and all my scents throw well in that but the J waxes are a little different. I use the 4 oz jelly jar and can't get small enough wicks for some scents so that's why I am testing the J waxes. Thanks again for everyone's input! :cheesy2:

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