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Anybody soaped Crafty's Goat's Milk recipe?

Fire and Ice

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I've read it, printed it off and gone to the Soap calculator to figure out the lye. I've had goat's milk chilling for several weeks now and would like to soap it.

I have a four pound mold to do it in too

I'm wondering if I'm better off putting it outside for the night rather than my fridge.

Gotta decide before I get started. It's pretty cold out but I don't want the soap to freeze either.

Is this recipe pretty easy? Does the goats milk accelerate the trace once you add it?:tiptoe:


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I haven't, but I love to use canned GM. I have to stick it in the deep freezer to avoid gel. It stays in there for a few hours. The first batch I did, I left it overnite and it was fine. A little cold, and you'll want to let it come to room temp before cutting, but it was awesome soap. It doesn't seem to accellerate to me, but I try to move quickly anyway.

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IMO~ that is a perfect recipe for soaping with GM, especially because of the simplicity of it. GM can be challenging in CP. I wouldn't recommend leaving it outside. It's still raw soap, and animals can get into it. I don't insulate mine, I just leave it in the basement covered in Saran Wrap. The frig might take a little longer to saponify, I've never tried that before. Good luck!

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IMO~ that is a perfect recipe for soaping with GM, especially because of the simplicity of it. GM can be challenging in CP. I wouldn't recommend leaving it outside. It's still raw soap, and animals can get into it. I don't insulate mine, I just leave it in the basement covered in Saran Wrap. The frig might take a little longer to saponify, I've never tried that before. Good luck!

I would do the basement too but I would be carrying raw soap down a spiral staircase and I really don't want to do that!

I'll stick it in the fridge for the night I guess!

Thanks again!

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DONE! and it soaped GREAT! No odor, no orange color, no curdling of the milk! It all stayed very smooth but I also knew that once I added the ice cold milk, you couldn't stickblend! There's the magic!

Soap as cold as possible! I made my lye water and set in snow on my deck, away from animals! I left it out over an hour and it was 90 degrees. My oils were measured and melted.

I combines hard and soft oils and stick blended them to make sure everything was incorporated. Opened th can of milk but kept in the fridge till I needed it! I carefully added my lye water and stickblended some but not a lot. I began using a whisk when I saw a very, very light trace. I grabbed the can of milk and slowly added it, stirring as I went. I stirred several minutes and felt the trac thicken slightly so I added my F/O and ground up oatmeal. I continued to stir with the whisk and in minutes was at a medium trace. I poured it into the mold, put plastic on the top, left the lid off and put it to bed in my fridge at 9:00pm.

Crafty's recipe soaped like a charm with no misbehaving Goat's milk!:cool2:

I'm happy because it's been a great weekend of soaping! I probably won't be soaping during the week but that gives me time to dream and create!

Gran, if you want to try an easier goatmilk way, I can tell ya, this is IT!


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I have already printed it, and will try it on my next GM batch..:D

Always remember to grab a WHISK and not the stickblender once you add the milk. JMO, that's the trick. It gives you several more minutes to incorporate everthing. Also, soap as cold as you can.

But I thank AJ for her great experience and passing it along to US! Thank you AJ!:wink2:


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