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This Doesn't Look Safe...

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I think many times folks are double-wicking because they cannot find the right wick to single wick. The only time a multiple wick should be used, IMHO is when the shape of the candle requires it or the candle is simply too wide to be wicked properly in any other way. Unless the shape dictates, I never consider a multiple wick for anything under 4.5" in diameter, especially in a container.

Yep - those are WAAAY too close to that glass!

Just curious.......why wouldn't you want to tell what company it is?

Why drag 'em through the mud? I think the point of this post was to illustrate a safety problem, not to bash a fellow chandler. Perhaps they are learning like (hopefully) others are by reading this thread. :)

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Why drag 'em through the mud? I think the point of this post was to illustrate a safety problem, not to bash a fellow chandler. Perhaps they are learning like (hopefully) others are by reading this thread. :)

Good point Stella.

If you see a candle wicked this way, just don't buy it.

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Why drag 'em through the mud? I think the point of this post was to illustrate a safety problem, not to bash a fellow chandler. Perhaps they are learning like (hopefully) others are by reading this thread. :)

That, I would understand, my mistake, I thought she said candle company....which IMO if they are a company, they should have learned before they became a company. My bad.

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