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Which soy wax do you prefer?

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if you look right above your post, in this very forum, there is a sticky named 'would like your help'. It is pages and pages and pages of what wax people prefer. Right there at your fingertips.

Thanks I saw that but it doesnt say why they like it or where they got it from. I am really new to this so I am just wondering why poeple choose one over the other with soy wax.

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I found this on the search( at the top of the craft server page)...thought it may help a little.If you want more info. just type in soy wax..there is a ton of info there.

To answer your question..I am in the testimg stage but currently.. use GB444 for my business.

What is the best soy wax? (multipage.gif1 2)


Thanks for giving me that link I am going to check it out right now.

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Usually one chooses wax based mostly on the closest supplier. Shipping cases of wax is quite expensive. For example, I really liked TN 70/30. But I am 15 minutes from Candle Science. CS doesn't have a 70/30 blend. So, I've come up with my own blend.

We pick a wax that is close, and then we come here and search or figure out how to work around the kinks of that particular wax.

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I apologize for not responding to this question sooner, but it and similar questions have been asked so often... I know that folks new to this site have little idea of what discussions have come before, but that's what the search tool is for! There is no way to "pin" or include all the great information - ya simply have to look for it.

As Tereasa pointed out, most folks buy what is most readily available because of shipping costs, which can easily almost double the cost of wax, then come here to find ways of making that particular product give good results. Good advice!

For those who are going to have to pay shipping, there IS some selection... Because soy waxes are so "flaky," it pays to read up on them and pick the one that sounds like it has the most research and customer support behind it and sample that one - and you STILL may not end up liking that choice!

At some point you have to simply test and work with the products available to discover what works best for you. There is *that much* variability among products because we are dealing with hydrogenated vegetable oils that are notoriously unstable both in storage and performance. Also, the difference in your climate versus someone else's can be huge and that makes a BIG difference with veggie waxes which are terribly sensitive to temperature variations.

I am really new to this so I am just wondering why poeple choose one over the other with soy wax.

Why do people like Fords better than Chevys or Dodges or Hyundais? There are as many reasons for personal preferences as there are people using the products! NO amount of recommendations will replace buying some wax and diving in. Veggie waxes are so tricky that it is a pipe dream to expect to simply buy a particular product, melt it, put in a wick and VOILA! A perfect candle! It just does not happen that way! (if that's how it happened for anyone out there, could you please come with me to Las Vegas - I need your luck! :P)

For people who are new to candlemaking, you must realize that veggie waxes were only patented a little over 10 years ago! There has simply not been enough time for the products to have been tested and retested to be as stable as paraffin. The issues of veggie waxes are quite different from paraffin, so that further complicates the issue.

READ, READ, READ!! Don't be afraid to simply dive in - 'cause in the end, that's exactly what you will have to do to find what'll work for you. PLAN on having abysmal failures, particularly at first. That's expected and is how you will learn! You won't learn from everything going exactly right! HTH :)

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I like ecosoya cb 135 for the simple reason that I can pick it up, shipping kills a person, I tried the Ecosoya advanced but I didn't like all the "flaws" that came with it. Little HT, doesnt adhere the greatest, I had a hard time wicking it, frosting ect.

So my advise would be try to find a supplier close enough for you to either pick up or close enough where shipping isnt as across the counrty ya know. I tried 4 other waxes before I went with the CB135

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I have been testing CBA for a few months now and I have had NO frosting.it's weird how some ppl do and some don't.I get an awesome cold throw and I can't complain about the hot throw either.I will find out soon enough how the hot throw is by mixing 415 and CBA 50/50 is!I added 1 tsp. pp USA to it also.Maybe the hot throw will be even better..I love to test so I think up or take other ppl's advice on combining waxes just to see the results.But as far as CBA so far I love it! I don't sell it yet..Top gave me the heads up that there is always a "honeymoon" phase,so I am testing until the "divorce"!LOL! I sell 444 tho.I do think that is also a great soy wax.Tops need tweaking sometimes but it has good ht and ct.The only thing I don't like is the cure time.At least 5 days for 444 for me.24 hours with CBA for me!

Just my 2 cents...Kimmeroo

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like 464 because it is easy to work with , nothing to add, creamy smooth surfaces most of the time, you can keep the frosting at bay, seems easy to wick, good hot throw most of the time.Oh and this I love! YOU CAN POUR IT HOT! (145 degrees)Little impatient me loves that about it........

I am currently testing 435 because it was reccommended to me as having a better hot throw than the 464............boy has it not been easy to work with. Terrible frosting , not easy to get smooth tops , can't pour hot(125 degrees and LESS) ,don't even know if it has good hot throw cause I can't seem to get the wicking down. But still hoping once I get it figured out that I will love it! I hope I'm not beating my head against a wall for nothing! lol!:D OH and this I reccommend, buy a bottle of blueberry muffin or cobbler and try it in your waxes. IF this won't throw in it , keep looking...................

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Hi, I am currently using 415 soy and J223 paraffin blended. I am still tweaking the percentages but will probably be somewhere about 25-30% soy and 70-75% paraffin. I started adding the paraffin because got tired of frosting issues and I can pour hot, about 150 degrees. I would try to find the closest supplier and make it work. HTH

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Usually one chooses wax based mostly on the closest supplier. Shipping cases of wax is quite expensive. For example, I really liked TN 70/30. But I am 15 minutes from Candle Science. CS doesn't have a 70/30 blend. So, I've come up with my own blend.

We pick a wax that is close, and then we come here and search or figure out how to work around the kinks of that particular wax.

I believe that IGI 6006 is a 70/30 blend from CS, atleast that is what they told me when I called them.

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