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New Soaps


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I've been really busy and have all these new molds piling up and haven't had a chance to pour them...today, I should be done with orders so I can play around with the new stuff....comments always welcome...as well as advice on what to charge for the lollipops....thanks all

Lollipop Soaps (I thought these would be great for baby showers and kids birthdays..but have no idea what to charge.


crocheted heart


Olive branch (the second photo is my idea of red, white and blue..)






and all my soap money put to use...my revamped kitchen..no wax or soapmaking allowed in here..it was nice to do it with my own little hobby..although it took 8 months...lol


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MUST SEE MORE PICS OF YOUR REVAMPED KITCHEN!!!! That one pic is just a teaser! Looks adorable!

Hey I'm actually surprised you had money to do the kitchen the way you're always buying new molds-you're a mold ho! LOL :D

As always, love love love all of your soaps!

Hey you never did post some pics of you pouring some. :P

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I was going to do a tutorial....and then just panicked..yupper, I'm a mo-ho...I've decided that if I picked a quitting date it would put everything into perspective so..December 2009 is when I'm done..and I promise, January of 2010 I will do an online class...cross my heart. You'll notice I didn't include the floor in any of the photos...I still need to sell more soaps...I'm paying for that also....lol

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I was going to do a tutorial....and then just panicked..yupper, I'm a mo-ho...I've decided that if I picked a quitting date it would put everything into perspective so..December 2009 is when I'm done..and I promise, January of 2010 I will do an online class...cross my heart. You'll notice I didn't include the floor in any of the photos...I still need to sell more soaps...I'm paying for that also....lol

Ann Marie, what do ya mean quit? No more of your beautiful soaps? :(

Gosh, I have to wait til 1/2010 for that tutorial you promised? I'm gonna cry.

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