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Pink Hydrangea


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Might I just say what a PITA this was. I took no water discount, soaped ultra cool and this batch did what others said it wouldn't ... accelerated. The applesauce look started right in, but there was no using the stick blender. Everything gunked up all over it, so I went to stirring and stirring and stirring and it started to smoothe out some. Used at 1 oz ppo. It isn't 24 hours old and was in gel last I looked at it. Once it did smooth out I was able to get some colors blended without trauma/drama. I'm hoping the ashy, off white look disappears and it's just white when I cut. Now for the colors. The neon pink and neon purple (dark stuff) are TKB neons ... the only thing about the pink is it has a nasty smell to it that does end up disappearing during cure. The reddish streaks in there are Orleans Rose (SS). We'll see what kind of purplish pink comes up from it.



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Is this the AH/RE pink hydrangea? I soaped that last year and what a mover!!!! I think the first batch I tried at a discount and then had soap on a stick, shredded it up and made the next batch with no discount and put the shreds in for a confetti bar. didn't sell wonderfully for me, but I hope it works for you!

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Yep, the SnC kind. It's out of the mold, but I haven't tried cutting it yet. Appears to be pretty firm, but will have to see what happens. Good to know someone else had this experience. I was thinking uh oh, though this isn't an experience that's all that fun lol.

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