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Another candle... another smile

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LOL. I have tested yet another candle that has passed four test burns! Yay! I used CB135 again..... 9% Cierra's Grandpa's Pipe FO.... Small 8 oz. Apothecary jar, bubble lid. I thought the FO stunk myself when it was in the bottle bust as it burns it turns into a sweet, cherry musky scent. Nice. Just had to brag after the day I have had.:frown:..... LOL

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I am right there with you Vio. I have been trying and testing for a long time and even though my DH says they are great. I being a VIRGO am still trying to perfect ONE! :cheesy2:

Awww hell.....you will be forever trying (not meant in a bad way - just your sign and the need for more than perfection)...my DH and son are Virgos....lol...

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I didn't get this candle right off, BTW. I actually had to put it away for awhile. This was my 8th re-formulaton (is that a word?) In other words..... it was my 8th try, different combo of wicks, wax, temps, and so on. In no way shape or form was I implying I got it first try. Just had to clarify before the drama starts.

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It's good to know that you've been testing it a lot. :) Yes, it did sound like it came out great on your first try and that would have sparked something here. Granted, it can happen, but rarely does. Most people here would have a very hard time believing it even if it was true, just from experience.

I being a VIRGO am still trying to perfect ONE! :cheesy2:
So... how your candles do is based on your sign.

Nobody said anything about how your candles do. The reference was to very general personality traits based on the zodiac and it usually affects any aspect of your life.

I'm Taurus. VERY stubborn when I wanna be. (OK, so maybe more than I want sometimes...LOL)

Hmmm... I've never seen any reference to Taurus and being a pack rat but boy I sure have that one in spades!:laugh2:

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Cancer here, too.... and I can get very crabby when trying to wick jars and pillars that are stubborn. I finally wicked a 1.5 oz hex jar and got my 5 oz apothecary going good... yay... now for the pillars- grr. I looked at an old palm pillar I sorta gave up on months ago and said, yep, you're next, you pain in the *&$.


Good going sniffie. :)

A crabby one?

:tiptoe: :laugh2:


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