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  • 4 weeks later...

from what i've seen in nearly 100lbs of wax over the last few months, my wax mottles or 'snowflakes' from none to a lot from slab to slab.

Though thankfully for the most part, my coloring and the fact i hit my containers with the heat gun to smooth those 'bottom bubbles' i sometimes get when i have the air on and I'm pouring hides any snowflakes in the middle. My customers and I haven't noticed a difference in burning of the snowier slabs so i don't think its much of a deal for me at least.

It also seems the staric i add to make my pillar formula practically eliminates the snowflaking for my pillars... go figure.

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'ello everyone.

I actualy came to this site to hopefully get an answer to this very question.

I cannot stand this snowy effect personly, and I was hoping that there was a way to stop this from happening.

I am a beginer, and I really do not have the space to make my own blend for my votives.

If anyone else has a way to get rid of this effect, please let me know!

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If you're looking for some startling mottling, try some Palm wax. There are 2 varieties I've used, "Q" wax for Pillars, and "F" wax for containers. The results are amazing. Use no additives, and follow the melt/pour suggestions, and the starburst patterns will form.

The feathering shows up better when using dark colors, and you will have to add more color than normal. The feathering seems to lighten the color, so double your color.


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I just saw that wax in person at the candle suppy, and you are correct, that effect was really amazing and very nice. I will have to wait till I have money for supplies before I get some, but i defenetly would like to work with it sometime.

Right now my big learning expireence of the day is trying to figure out the best thing to use for sealing the new rubber rose molds I just got. I will look thru the stickys for that one.

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