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Barnloft Pryme Color System

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I am writing for anyone who is planning on try the Pryme color system. I placed an order 11/07 and to this day I do not have my order. I had waited about two weeks from the order date to send and email inquirying about my order, no response, sent a second request. Response I got was they could not find the order in their system an asked if I could send them a copy of the order, which I did. From the day I sent them a copy of the order I have not gotten one response. I have sent about 15 emails from the day I sent a copy of my order and have not heard one word, I even asked for a return phone call. So a word to the wise. DO NOT BUY FROM BARNLOFT.

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Before placing the order I did verify the they were taking new orders. My wife and I are in the process of trying to start a new candle business. We are only in the R&D stage and I had heard good things about this system, wanted to test before we settled on a supplier for the dyes.

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It's really a shame that she has let her business go to hell like that.......she needs to sell out to someone who will care about customers getting their orders. I LOVE the dyes and use them sparingly, especially the black and red, cause I know I'll never get more from her the way she's running things right now!! :sad2:

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Luckily I still have all my money. We were so interested in trying her product that I told her I would be more than happy to reorder all I wanted was an explaination and a little extra discount. Anyone have any suggestion for liquid dyes to use in soy. I next plan is to test EVO liquid dyes.

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She is sooo slow. You will get your stuff eventually but I would not grow to like the color system as the frustration is not worth it.

This isn't slow, it's insulting. It's a shame, I never thought she would get like this. You never know who you can trust anymore. :confused:

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This isn't slow, it's insulting. It's a shame, I never thought she would get like this. You never know who you can trust anymore. :confused:
She has been slow or insulting however you want to put it for a long time. I ordered my dyes from her nearly 2 years ago and nothing has changed in that time. I cannot believe she is still in business.
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If her dyes were that good, she must be just selling to the bigger companies and doesn't feel she needs to sell to the smaller people anymore.

When I was doing my research, I saw her dyes mentioned on a board. I don't know where it was, but she was a member there. She spoke of how she's not making candles anymore and just doing the dye, but the site is up for others to buy space on or something, because it's so up there with the hits it gets from search engines. All the way to the bank it seems.

I was really interested in the dyes and like I said, I sent an email and still haven't heard a thing on when they would be selling to new customers again.

I just checked the site and see something funny. A batch calculator you get free, if you buy her dyes. If you don't buy the dyes you can still use it online for 5 dollars a month, or 60 dollars a year. Like wtf???? :laugh2:

I have a feeling she really doesn't care what anyone thinks of her customer service, or ethics, and is just happy to be raking in the green stuff.

Anyone know if these dyes of hers are actually her own formulation? Or is she possibly just re-selling a candle dye?

I just checked the Pryme site and see she's got a coupon code up good till Feb 1, 2008. 10% off of over 100.00 orders.


Our dyes are temporarily unavailable to new business due to weather-related circumstances beyond our control. IF YOU ARE A CURRENT customer and are needing replacements of your currently- carried colors, we are servicing YOU!

We apologize for any inconvenience and hope to be back up very soon

That's the key right there. New business. So if you're not in her book, she's not going to sell to you right now. Weather circumstances might be she doesn't want to go to the post office to mail 1000 little boxes every day, if she can make more money from the bigger orders she already gets or something. Who knows?

I did a lot of research, not expecting to ever hear back from barnloft, and came up with what I think is a good dye.

Novacandle dyes and I got them from http://www.texascandlesupply.net/dyes.asp

Excellent customer service and the dyes are really great. I'm not finding any "fuel" smell oob or in candles and my first candle was loaded with dye and I had pretty good results I think. No funky burn or frost and deep rich color too.

Can't hurt to share the info with others who as myself, can't seem to get barnloft to even answer an email. For me, I'm perfectly happy with these dyes so far, and the best anyone can do is give people like this their business. People who are good to their customers. My god, this place sent me a thank you for your business holiday letter and it had some really pretty flower seeds in it with instructions on how to grow them, as a thank you for being a customer.

I wonder if pryme is just nova dyes packaged as her own or something? Who knows? I like the texascandle nova dyes so far. :)

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I did a lot of research, not expecting to ever hear back from barnloft, and came up with what I think is a good dye.

Novacandle dyes and I got them from http://www.texascandlesupply.net/dyes.asp

Excellent customer service and the dyes are really great. I'm not finding any "fuel" smell oob or in candles and my first candle was loaded with dye and I had pretty good results I think. No funky burn or frost and deep rich color too.

Can't hurt to share the info with others who as myself, can't seem to get barnloft to even answer an email. For me, I'm perfectly happy with these dyes so far, and the best anyone can do is give people like this their business. People who are good to their customers. My god, this place sent me a thank you for your business holiday letter and it had some really pretty flower seeds in it with instructions on how to grow them, as a thank you for being a customer.

I wonder if pryme is just nova dyes packaged as her own or something? Who knows? I like the texascandle nova dyes so far. :)

So glad this was brought up. I currently use pryme dyes and was getting low so I was gonna reorder soon. It did take forever to get my initial order so I'm not even going to bother. I went ahead and ordered some of the nova dyes to try. Hopefully they do well in soy.

Thanks Vio for the recommend as I was going to ask if there was something comparable to the pryme. Maybe these will be better because they come in dropper bottles. The pryme dyes come in squeeze bottles and they are really messy, IMO.

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Pryme dyes are Daph's own formula and she doesn't sell to any companys yet, that I'm aware of.........so you aren't gonna find any dyes like them. Candle Science and Rustic Essentuals both have excellent, highly concentrated dyes. Both only need a couple drops to get great dark colors, even in soy!!

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Wow - happened across this post and I had to respond.

The dye part of the business has been closed since April of 2007 - nothing funny going on, I promise. I pulled all banner advertising, put up red banners on all order pages and any links I could find on my blc.com site to make it harder to find.

As the dye pages are actually part of my main business site, the coupon banner goes across every page the include code is (so it does show on those pages, but the dyes still are not avail as the signs state).

google still shows links if you search, but the banners are there to remind all that yes, we are still closed for business.

I did forget to update the banners to get rid of the "weather-related" wording, but we were still down. I get a part of my materials from a place on the east coast that had flooding last April which closed their building for several weeks due to the extensive damage resulting from it. As I had planned to move soon after they were back up, I just let the red banners stay up which let folks know that we were still closed - thinking my next move would be one I could comfortably run my dye business from. That didn't happen :undecided

I offered the dyes only to existing customers at that time as a courtesy to them - so as not to leave them hanging - not because I was rolling in greenbacks and greedy for the bigger businesses out there. :o

BarnLoft is a candle site with a couple of pages added on for the dyes, Frostop & my calculator which was made specifically for these ingredients.

Yes they are my own and no, I'll not sell them again. Waaaay too much to undertake on my own and as I found out, room and reliable help is hard to find. I juuuuust couldn't do it and keep it running smoothly, consistently.

After still being out of service when fall finally hit, I realized it'd be rediculous to even try to get it all up and going again as so many had long waits sometimes for orders or due to moves and what-have-you, I'd be forced to close it all down again. I mean, I hear ya! I am just as disgusted and am truly sorry I couldn't keep it going. I just kept holding out hope that the next turn would be right and I could make it go.

I will ask you to please not interject assumptions and make up stories, though. I was (and am) a long time member of this industry and have had many successes and failures over the years - but always helped others wherever I could.

I have made it clear on the site that pryme is unavailable, so please don't curse me when it doesn't show up on your doorstep. I can't disable the cart I have, as it would disable the cart all over the site. No one's been taken, no one's been lied to and believe me, I'm sure I've suffered more loss than anyone in this. Please don't email me about them & don't be offended if your email about pryme goes unanswered (site says we're closed, remember). I'm not being sneaky and evasive or rude - just closed for business! Please respect that.

I've spoken with a reliable supplier off and on regarding taking them over and hope we can reach an agreement. I do hate to just let them go when it took so many years of trial and error and much research to come upon something like this. It would all seem like such a waste.

Though I'm still in the industry, I no longer manufacture, I resell someone else's candles. I haven't sold ad space in almost 2 years (that was an OLD page someone ran across) lol. Please, I am a waste of board space & bandwidth to talk about because all the complaining in the world isn't going to re open it - So let's move on, shall we?

Anyhow - that's the story - that's the truth. Peace out!

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Well I thank you for explaining that. And I'm sorry if I personally came across harsh. It's frustrating to wonder if you're being selectively ignored and simply because you're not an established customer, like your site said point blank, not accepting new customer orders at this time, which lead me to believe you weren't closed down. You were still producing dye. No new customers at this time. Totally respected that, but thought since your email I used was from your main page where you're still selling candles, that you'd get the email. I was ready to spend some nice money on your dyes and was really excited, waiting to hopefully get an email back telling me when you'd be up again. I never got that. You've got to understand how frustrating it is. I'm sure you of all people know, using a good dye is important.

Your dyes are supposed to be the dyes to use. They have a great reputation. Who could understand why the new coupons popped up? I searched from here to forever, trying to figure out what dyes to use. Time and time again, Pryme. Pryme is the best. It's frustrating. When you want to invest your money, you want to at least know you're buying something that's worth the money with a great reputation. Your dyes are supposed to be more than worth it. Very sad to learn that you're not closer to having them available.

You really should take this as a compliment. People are mad because they can't buy from you. It really is extremely frustrating.

You need to remove another link. On your contact page, it has the link to the dyes too. http://www.barnloftcandles.com/contact_information.html

You also might want to take down the email too so no one gets insulted when you don't answer their repeated emails.

Wish you the best with getting someone else to pick up the dyes. Hope you can settle that soon. Again, sorry for being harsh.

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