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AAAGGH!!!! Wicking Issues

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Alright. I am getting PO'd! So I am seeking to the experts for advice. I have a small apothecary jar, 3 inches wide, 3" tall. Using CB135. I have tried cd8(left hang up on sides) HTP83(hang up on sides) Lx22 (wick burnt out) CD12 (smoke,too large flame) so now I am back at CD10 (I wish they made a CD9). The flame is ok. Flickering a little bit but no smoke. When wick is trimmed no flickering. I think my house has drafts everywhere ( I am currently wearing 2 sweatshirt and mittens as I type this :(. Good thing new house is being built). Would you accept this?

The other day I went to a candle store (major name- not mentioning it) the other day just to browse and asked the woman if she was knowledgable about candles and she said yes. I told her I had bought a candle from someone else and the flame flickered. She said as long as there was no soot and the flame was not out of control that trimming the wick should keep the problem down. What do you think?

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I am having my own wicking issues also lol but I do like CB135 so here I am turning grey and testing testing testing. Anywho I see you have tried an lx22 how about going smaller yet with the LX's. candle science carries lx20 lx21 and smaller ones

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I do like cb135. It adheres well the the container I am using. Holds scent well and color. No I haven't tried smaller, yes. I just got in CD10's yesterday so I melted the candle down and will re-wick it with that tomorrow and see how well that goes. I have a mulberry one I did two days ago, test burned it this morning. Seems to be doing fine, no smoke, great scent. I may just stick with CD10's.

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This isn't about containers specifically, but wicking in general...

I've found it easier to stick to one type of wick until all possibilities have been eliminated, then pick one new type to try. As in, run the gambit on the LX sizes then if none work, go on to try CD's. If those wont, then the next. I always found trying one size each in multiple wick types just made it confusing and nerve wracking. Especially when you're not familiar with the types and how they burn. JMO

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