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OK... I'm tired of the RRD wicks

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I've been using the RRD wicks the RRD 40, to be exact, in my 8 oz jelly jar candles. I love the hot throw, the melt pool, can't get over the ugly mushrooms that seem to appear no matter what. If it was just the initial burn, that would be one thing, but it's everytime I relight. Yes, I'm trimming my wicks. So, to be blunt, at this time right after the holidays, I do not have alot of extra cash at the moment to purchase a ton of different wicks to try out. My local suppliers are JBN and Taylored Concepts. JBN has the CDN's I see so much about on the board, TC carries LX, and HTP's which I've seen lots about them as well. If I were to purchase two out of those three to test with next, which would you suggest? I'm only making the 8 oz jellies at this time, trying to get them down before I move onto something else. I want the great hot throw, melt pool, and NO ugly mushrooms.... THAT is my goal!

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I have tested the RRD, CD, HTP, zinc, LX, Premier, CSN, and ECO trying to find a wick that will not mushroom for me in 8oz tins. At this point I am getting the least amount of shroom from the Premier and ECO, but the Premier gives me too deep of a melt pool. I will probably be going with ECO for myself. The problem is every wick seems to give a different performance for each person

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I don't think there is ANY wick that will not mushroom under the right circumstances. Unless the 'shrooms are HUGE, it's pretty simple to trim them off. Mushrooming is not simply the problem of the wick, but rather it represents unburned carbon deposits. This incomplete combustion can occur because of the amount or composition of the FO used, unburned bits of pigment from the dye or additives, etc. Some types of wicks seem to mushroom more than others partly because of their makeup, but also because of how they are burning your wax mixture. If mushrooming is a big problem, perhaps one might look at the composition of the wax as the source of the difficulty. Different FOs will cause a candle to 'shroom differently with the same container and wick. ;)

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Thanks for the advice guys! Think I'll go with the LX's and CDN's next. Stella, I've used the RRD's with FO, and additives, without any FO and additives, with dye, without dye.... using C3. I seem to get the same result. Like I said before, every other aspect of the burning candle is great, and I understand that mushrooms are pretty much a natural occurrence, but these are huge, ugly, over the top, mushrooms I'm talkin' about. I'll keep testing with the RRD's, but I just wanted some advice on what to try next. Thanks guys!

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I'm with Stella, thinking it's not the wicks that are causing the mushrooming. I use a different wax and am delighted that the RRDs haven't had one bit of mushrooming. I'm thinking it might be your wax... Just a thought. I played with the naturewax for a while, and remember having issues with the mushrooms as well. That's probably not what you were wanting to hear, and I don't know how helpful it is without making a recommendation...

Out of curiosity, I'm going to be comparing my RRDs with the CSN from Candlescience. Have you tried those yet? They're formulated for palm and natural waxes.

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No Elyse, I haven't as of yet. That is a little discouraging knowing you had that problem out of the C3, but, it also is helpful, too. I'd rather think that it is the wax than to think it's something I'M doing wrong. Like I said, I've tried so many different formulations, with and without everything, same results. That's why I thought it best to try out some different wicks now. Please let me know how you like the CSN's?! Thanks again..

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I've used the RRD's in the past and mushrooming was a problem most of the time. However, occasionally I was able to use them without any mushrooming. It occurred more with certain FO's and when I used more than 7%. My major problem with the RRD's was black soot. I can tolerate some mushrooming if that is the only problem but I do not want black soot on my containers when I am trimming the wick and following all the directions we give on the warning label. Plus I have noticed that my candle doesn't last as long when I use the RRD wicks. They seem to just eat up the wax!

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