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Hats off to all you Chandlers....

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I would have never thought candle making would be so difficult. I have such a deep appreciation to you chandlers out there that are willing to give us newbies advice and guidance.:grin2: Thank you this board is great.

I got the bug to make candles after a weekend getaway to a small town and found the cutest line of candles and I thought I can do this.... little did I know that there are soo many variables to get a quality candle. I have been making and TESTING candles for over 2 months now and honestly still do not know when I will ever be comfortable enough to sell these candles.... It is a dream of mine to sell but we shall see. Everyone keeps asking me when I will start selling? who knows? I think I have finally got the wicking figured out on my 8 oz mason to a cd 12/14 and my 16 oz mason down to CD 16/18( with GW 444) but my dang colonial jars are kicking my butt.... I have tried Eco 10-12-14, double wicked with SB #2 and #4. CD 20-22, LX 22- 24 and HTP's .....ok you get the point I have tried about 20 different combos still HUGE mushrooms, poor MP, deep MP, etc... ok I need to stop typing or this will soon be a novel, Thanks for letting my RANT. I off to do more testing.... maybe one day I will have a sucess story.

P.S. I am no where near ready to give up I do have fun making candles!

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At least you aren't selling yet, like so many newbies before you have done. I am glad you are taking the time to test. I didn't do that when I first started, but then I didn't really sell at that point. I ordered 2 sizes of wicking and never test burnt. Thankfully, I had only give maybe 2 away as gifts, and burnt the rest for myself.

Good luck! It will all come together.

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Good luck to you. I am still basically new to this also, we have been doing it for about 2 years. We bought a kit form MillCreek, and it took us 6 hours to make 20 container candles. My husband came home from work, looked at me and said "How exactly are you going to make any money at this?" I was heartbroken. I am amazed how much we have learned and the good folks here on this board are so wonderful at helping. They have alot of great advice. Good luck at your new adventure. Karen

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Good luck with your testing and future sales. You have more patience than I do...if the first 3 wicks I try don't work with most scents, I give up on the container and find a new one. I wish I had the time and patience to work through each one until it worked out. I still find it therapeutic to make candles (I'm in year 6) and don't want stress involved in the process (at least not too much stress!) It's much better when it's fun.

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I would have never thought candle making would be so difficult. I have such a deep appreciation to you chandlers out there that are willing to give us newbies advice and guidance.:grin2: Thank you this board is great.

I got the bug to make candles after a weekend getaway to a small town and found the cutest line of candles and I thought I can do this.... little did I know that there are soo many variables to get a quality candle. I have been making and TESTING candles for over 2 months now and honestly still do not know when I will ever be comfortable enough to sell these candles.... It is a dream of mine to sell but we shall see. Everyone keeps asking me when I will start selling? who knows? I think I have finally got the wicking figured out on my 8 oz mason to a cd 12/14 and my 16 oz mason down to CD 16/18( with GW 444) but my dang colonial jars are kicking my butt.... I have tried Eco 10-12-14, double wicked with SB #2 and #4. CD 20-22, LX 22- 24 and HTP's .....ok you get the point I have tried about 20 different combos still HUGE mushrooms, poor MP, deep MP, etc... ok I need to stop typing or this will soon be a novel, Thanks for letting my RANT. I off to do more testing.... maybe one day I will have a sucess story.

P.S. I am no where near ready to give up I do have fun making candles!

Ditto!!! Thank you to all that have provided the wonderful information, tips, trials and errors, etc. I'm still new to this but, I absolutely love candle making. Even if I don't end up selling my candles, I have plenty of candles to last my home quite a while! I love candles burning in my home, it's romantic and serene. I got so tired of buying candles from stores and having them burn completely down in 2-3 hours so, I thought why not make my own. Little did I know there were so many variables but I find it relaxing and fun experimenting and the light bulb going off thinking, wow, what if I tried....

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Ditto!!! I got so tired of buying candles from stores and having them burn completely down in 2-3 hours so, I thought why not make my own. Little did I know there were so many variables but I find it relaxing and fun experimenting and the light bulb going off thinking, wow, what if I tried....

That's what started me also. I burn all the time and wanted to save some money by making my own. How hard could it be? Melt some wax, add some fragrance, stick a wick in a container & pour. - HA! What's testing? Oh, brother, was I ever that green?!!

But you're right Kat - I find it therapeutic; and sort of like being on a mission looking for the right combo. Thanks to the boards and the experience of the seasoned chandlers, I've learned a whole lot.

So, hang in there Purebliss, making a candle is easy, making it actually work is not. But loads of fun anyway. Glad to see you're starting out on the right foot. Good luck!!


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