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No, it is not mine. I saw these candles at a store in south Mississippi. The candles looked very nice and most had a good cold throw. Wish I knew the wax. She had one called Tropical Grove. Clean and fruity. Can't put my finger on which fo it could be.

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I know "of" that person. I work with a friend of hers that sometimes brings candles in to sell to us, and I've seen her booth at local crafts shows. She has great candles.

I've wondered if her "Hawaiian Sunset" is Bramble Berry "Sunset", which is a favorite of mine (but I make my own). She sells a lot of pomegranate too, but it's not any FO I have tried yet. Hers smells better than the Candle Source one I have, and some other one or two that I can't remember where I got.


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I noticed that too. Also some of the ones burning are leaving an outside shell. I like for my pillar candles to consume completely. I guess different strokes for different folks.

someone should teach her how to hug a candle.:confused: Look at the green square one - it has a hole in it...blow-out waiting to happen. Now, IMHO, a hugged candle is a safer candle...but again, it's just my opinion.

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I noticed that too. Also some of the ones burning are leaving an outside shell. I like for my pillar candles to consume completely. I guess different strokes for different folks.
someone should teach her how to hug a candle.:confused: Look at the green square one - it has a hole in it...blow-out waiting to happen. Now, IMHO, a hugged candle is a safer candle...but again, it's just my opinion.

OK, y'all educate me, please: I thought leaving the outside shell was normal on pillars? And what is a hugged candle? :confused: Sorry, I'm not as knowledgeable about pillars.

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OK, y'all educate me, please: I thought leaving the outside shell was normal on pillars? And what is a hugged candle? :confused: Sorry, I'm not as knowledgeable about pillars.

You do want a small shell on a pillar, BUT it should melt down as the candle does. You don't want a 6" tall candle that's burned down the middle and left 5" shell. It should consume itself so there's no a lot of wasted wax. The "wall" will slowly shrink/melt as the candle gets shorter.

Hugging is the term we use for gently compressing the soft wall on top. When the melt pool is full and the wall softens, you wrapper your hands around the top and gently apply pressure. Not so much it caves in, just enough to give it a gentle inward angle. This helps the flame melt the wall slowly. A round perfect candle shouldn't need hugging, but little in this world is perfect. We all need a little nudging sometimes :)

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The candles may look nice in person, but IMO they are incorrectly wicked. All of those burning have tall shells and are on their way to bulge. They seem to be burning down too much and not across enough to consume the shell. None of those pictured look like palm to me, so I'm wondering how that green square got that hole. Does soy do that? I use paraffin for pillars and have never had that happen.

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Well, that blows. :laugh2:

I worked like a mad women to get my 3" sq pillars wicked so that the sides do not bulge & blow while letting the corners get warm enough to fold in and be consumed. I just hate it when a candle burns down leaving 1/3 of the wax to go in the trash - such a waste of my time and money. We all have our preferences and this is how I like mine to burn



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I worked like a mad women to get my 3" sq pillars wicked so that the sides do not bulge & blow while letting the corners get warm enough to fold in and be consumed. I just hate it when a candle burns down leaving 1/3 of the wax to go in the trash - such a waste of my time and money. We all have our preferences and this is how I like mine to burn

Awesome Pam! I gave up on the squares mostly. The ones I do make by request still have taller corners. Not huge, but more than I like :/

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For sure I would rather have a little shell left than a blow out, for safety reasons.

My last square burned completely, it was perfect! Guess what , I misplaced my note book and it was a candle I made a year ago and I can't remember what wick I used! I am thinking it was 27-ply flat braid for 3" square mold (1343 wax) but it may have been 30 -ply. I tried so many wicks.

I kept all my notes for wick testing in a 3-ring notebook and I guarded it with my life. Now, I can't find it!!


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Soy and palm pillars cannot be "hugged" the same way a paraffin pillar can because of the difference in the properties of the waxes. Both soy and palm tend to "grow out" rather then soften and collapse inwards. While 100% consumption is a great goal, different waxes may require different wicking solutions. A thin shell is not "incorrect" - some folks love the look of a flame glowing from deep within a pillar. When a candlemaker gives instructions on how their products are wicked to perform, the buyer can make a better informed choice as to whether they want a pillar that consumes itself totally or one that leaves a thin shell. :)

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I dunno, Flowers - I did not go back to the site to look. I just wanted to point out that different waxes affect how pillars burn and that candlemakers do wick them differently to achieve different results. It's nearly impossible to tell what's in a candle by looking at photos... :D

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