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Need ideas of how to greatly reduce inventory after doing a repo of my products. I have to get rid of what I repoed. I have so much and not enough storage room. I have to get rid of:

592 votives of 58 different fragrances

242 ornies in 4 fragrances

135 jelly jars size 8 oz

112 jelly jars size 16 oz

11 cakes in a mug candles

6 pies in 3 inch with start crust top

10 pies in 3 inch size with heart crust top

6 five inch pies w/o a crust top

7 five inch pies with crust top

This is on top of inventory I already have in stock. Any ideas or suggestions on how to clear this out? I got another wholesale account recently but I already filled their order with fresh products. TIA.

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I don't work outside the home. My community is "stale" due to the holidays. I may as well give it away on ebay as I tried selling there in the past and no one wants to pay for quality. As for co-workers....it's hard when I am a stay home mom. Craft shows and flea markets are over until May/June in my area. I will figure out something. Even thought of doing a buy one get one free on my website to clear things out.

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OMGoodness that's alot of inventory (and hard work put into it)!

Ebay was the first thing that came to mind. It's probably the easiest, but you'll most likely have to sell either at cost, or below. But it's a good way to draw folks' attention to your product.

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OMG That is alot. I have 80- 8 ounce JJ,About 500 tarts(slowly selling them but made some fresh of what is selling), just a few Christmas candles I need to mark down.Thank goodness a few. Some tart/jar warmers that are going slow now. Think I will stick with the simple warmers and not the fancy more expensive ones from now on. Probably a few more things but if I don't get these going I will have alot to burn/use myself. I guess gift giving.I am overwhelmed in my candle space.


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I'd try to get rid of it w/o going through shipping. My 1st thoughts are offering the product for a fundraiser at intro-level rock bottom pricing & hope it generates future business ... or Craigslist, to keep things more local & again, try to drum up future business. Try to turn those lemons into lemonade, girl!


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What did you mean by repoed? Was this consignment stuff that you went and collected or wholesale that was never paid for?

It was wholesale that was partially paid for but never fully paid for. The guy went to jail and what was in his store was becoming property of the state of TX so I was able to get it back before that happened. He only paid for some of it and what he did pay for didn't even cover what he sold. So, when I say repo it's from products not paid for on a 30 day net wholesale.

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I am assuming that you are a tax-paying business by your description. If all else fails, perhaps you can donate the inventory to a local charity and take a tax write-off against your other income. Not the best solution but it may be an option. It is a question for your accountant. I'm sorry you had to go through this but happy you got the inventory back. Good luck.

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Wow! I've never had a repo, but I do feel your pain! I have this problem every year, except 2007. For 2007 I only poured to order and have a minimal inventory left and had to pour today just to put some more on the shelves. Here's what I did:

Inventory leftover from 2006 massive candlepouring. I took to our local antique store, where Mary gave me a good amount of shelving to put them on. I worked one Saturday per month as my "rent". I stocked approx. 800 - 8 oz. and 16 oz. sq. mason jar candles in overstock and discontinued scents. She was open September 1 thru December 22nd and I sold all but about 125 candles!

Another thing I do, is our church has a Fall Festival in September, I ALWAYS donate approx. 7-15 cases of candles for the Women's Group to sell.

I also take them to my office and sell them just above wholesale!

I have a Spring Candle Sale (normally in April or May) and Holiday Candle Sale every year. All of my customers look forward to it. I put them all out with a sign stating prices, and they gobble them up! I send out flyers from my mailing list and they just flock in. My Christmas Candle sale racked in $2,000, last years Holiday candle sale racked in $3,000, my Spring Sales rack in about $1500 or so.

OR, have a garage sale on your driveway, etc.. put them all out and discount the crap out of them (of course, at least get your cost back).

Since on your taxes you already get the deduction for tax purposes, you can't claim them as a donation to a church or anything, unfortunately.

Hope this gives you some ideas!


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It was wholesale that was partially paid for but never fully paid for. The guy went to jail and what was in his store was becoming property of the state of TX so I was able to get it back before that happened. He only paid for some of it and what he did pay for didn't even cover what he sold. So, when I say repo it's from products not paid for on a 30 day net wholesale.

Is this the bad check guy?

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i am so glad and I am telling everyone I know that if he did them wrong too to go to dectective Turner at our local PD. The detective wants to compile everything. Right now he is up on three charges......same thing three times and it's still going. That doesn't include mine or some other people I know. It is for all his hot checks and bad business dealings. Oh and his wife got arrested today at 4 for the assault on my sister in law. She is with no bond right now.

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His wife assaulted your SIL? HOLY CRAP!!!!!

I must have missed that part of the story!

Soooo glad to hear that he's finally gonna have to "pay" for all his shady dealings-these kind of guys don't get caught quite enough!

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Well that is listed under another title.....I believe it was finally at ease....sorta

But yes, she assaulted my sister in law. My sister in law grew up with her and worked at the shop for a week. She went to the house to get her last pay check since the mall had locked them out. She just so happened to show up right after Tony was arrested so she, me and my family got the blame for him going to jail and she beat the crap outta my sister in law.

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