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hurricane mould

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Hi guys,

It'll be a few weeks before I get a hurricane mould shipped here..but I am soooo eager to try them!! Any ideas of what I could use as a 'dupe' mould???

I was thinking an ice-cream container??? Any other creative 'whizzes' out there with any suggestions?



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I have used just about everything you can think of. Even the bowl from my Kitchen Aid mixer. You can use a sauce pan if you want straight sides or a bowl for the round look. I have used plastic hair spray bottles as inserts for a smaller hurricane mold. It is called being creative and you will be surprised at how much you learn if you experiment. When you do get your actual molds then you will be that much further ahead of the game. The first hurricane that I made about 13 years ago was a Morton Salt box. Had to peel it off but I was so proud of myself. Put flowers on it....made some more little ones with margarine tubs....took them to farmer's market with my best friend and sold all eight in the first 30 minutes. Then I bought "real" equipment and wax. (smile) That was so much fun.

I am attaching a picture of one I made with a large pan. If you search the files on CT there are pictures of the one I made in the bowl. Portia taught me how to do it. Good luck! Happy New Year. Donita


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Cool! I just made my first hurricane a few days ago from a DVD spindle lid. It took a little coercing to remove because of the dimple in the center, but it was pretty cool!

I had some trouble getting my photo embed to stick right, because the plastic was too thick for the ice to cool the hot wax from the outside. And since it was flexible plastic, I had difficulty getting it into the water bath wothout spilling or burning myself. I ended up melting it back down and using a regular metal candle mold to practice. Here are my results:


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I was getting ready to throw out my 1/2 gallon milk container.....then remembered that I just saw Martha Stewart put a vodka bottle in one....pack greens and berries around the bottle....fill it up about 2/3 with water and freeze it. You then have very chilled and pretty vokda......then I remembered the very first candles I made were with my mother in the 50's. We used quart size milk cartons and did the ice cube candles. We made wicks from string and whipped wax and spread some on the candles and sprinkled them with glitter. They were colored with red and green color crayons. Not the best burning candles, but they did burn..... I think I should make an ice cube candle in honor of my wonderful mother. My parents bought me any craft supply that I wanted. Bless their hearts. There were five girls and you can just imagine all of the stuff in our house. We all sewed too. Donita

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