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    I started making candles in September of 2006.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks for the advice! I will give CSN a try. ~Dan
  2. Hi, I have very recently started testing Glass Glow Container Palm. My first tests look wonderful and burn very evenly down the container. However, after a few test burns, it developes an odor of smoke/burning, but only once the candle has cooled (it also has soot across the top). When lit it is fine, but when cooled it is disgusting. I am using a 16oz jar and wicking with two 30-ply flat braid wicks. Why does it do this and how can I fix it? It has happend on one candle with liquid dye and 6% FO, as well as as an unscented, uncolored candle (so far my only two tests). Any help would be much appreciated. ~Dan
  3. Cool! I just made my first hurricane a few days ago from a DVD spindle lid. It took a little coercing to remove because of the dimple in the center, but it was pretty cool! I had some trouble getting my photo embed to stick right, because the plastic was too thick for the ice to cool the hot wax from the outside. And since it was flexible plastic, I had difficulty getting it into the water bath wothout spilling or burning myself. I ended up melting it back down and using a regular metal candle mold to practice. Here are my results:
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