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Getting a tabbed wick to stick to the bottom of a jar (other than stickers)?

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I'm trying to stick some 6" tabbed wicks to the bottoms of quilted crystal jelly jars, but I don't have any of the little stickers that help with that. I tried sticking it with a bit of wax, but of course when I pour the candle, that little bit of wax melts from the heat and loses it's grip on the wick.

The problem is that the wax along the length of these wicks is broken in multiple places and they won't stand straight up. So I can't pour the candles and then drop the wicks in. As it is, I'm going to have to stand there and hold the wicks straight until the wax sets up a bit. :mad: (unless you've got some better ideas!)

If I re-wax the wicks, will they hold their shape when I do the pour, or will they go floppy from the heat of the poured wax just like the bit on the bottom under the wick tab melts? If that would work, any tips for waxing wicks (like using a harder wax than you're pouring, what kind, etc.)? I haven't done that before.


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The hot glue can be cleaned out without much trouble. Once you pour out the remaining wax you can wipe it off with a paper towel. It's pretty liquidy (is that a word?) while its still warm. If it's cold and solid just sit it on a candle warmer for a few minutes. I do it all the time.


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The problem is that the wax along the length of these wicks is broken in multiple places and they won't stand straight up. So I can't pour the candles and then drop the wicks in. As it is, I'm going to have to stand there and hold the wicks straight until the wax sets up a bit. :mad: (unless you've got some better ideas!)

You really need to secure the tab to the bottom and keep the wick tight until it completely sets up and cools. They will often droop or shift inside the wax as it hardens. They make wick bards for that. Or you can use the popsicle stick as mentioned or skewers (or anything long and thin, but sturdy) rubberbanded together on the ends. Just pry it open enough to slip the wick in and the bands will hold it pinched. If the wick and or tab shift too close to the glass it could shatter when it's burning :shocked2:

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Thanks, guys!

I think I figured out the real problem: I'm spoiled to those nice stiff zinc wicks, and now trying some not as stiff. :tongue2:

I read on this board to take a Bic pen, pull out the guts, and use the tube slid down over the wick to press the tab down to the bottom of the container. Works great. BTW, I use sticky gray mold sealer to secure my wicks and it works great. Stays stuck, but comes off when I want it to. ;)

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