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Craft Show Pics 12-8-07


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Here are some pics from my craft show on Saturday. This one was better than the last. I still did not sell as much as I would have liked too.

4oz tins and 8oz masons were the hot items. Sold one of the handmade tea light holders and a few packs of tea lights. Also sold a few of the holiday jars. None of the palm pillars sold.:undecided

I also had gift packaging which was really popular.











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Your setup is really nice! And I super shocked none of your pillars sold. I do see a lot of square shaped..did you also provide burning plates? I think people are apprehensive of the shape of the candle because they're thinking.. I don't have anything to put that on! haha Just an idea?

I had my first craft show yesterday and it was pretty stressful! I make palm candles as well and I got lots of compliments on how pretty they were. Many asked what wax it was and some even asked if I did soy. I really think us palm makers need to be more agressively pitching all the superior benefits of palm and why they should buy!!! :D:D

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I do see a lot of square shaped..did you also provide burning plates? I think people are apprehensive of the shape of the candle because they're thinking.. I don't have anything to put that on! haha Just an idea?

The mirrors were for display only.

If you look to the left of my tin display, that is where the round pillars are. Many people did not even comment on them! I think maybe 2 people! I just do not think the type of people that would burn pillars were there. A few did ask about the votive candle with gift bags, but no one bought.

The majority of the buyers were older ladies 60+ or young boys buying for their mothers.

I did trade a few of the layered palm candles with another vendor.

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Love the handmade tea light holder. You set up looks great. I am always amazed by what does and doesn't sell at shows. Some crowds are pillar crowds and some are container. You just don't know. Your pillars look wonderful. Folks don't know what they missed out on.

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Your set up looks great.... I have learned that the majority of the peolple will spend $10.00 and less without thinking much about it, Anything over that they tend to him and hah and think do I really need that. With the way things are now adays,,I just did a huge show last weekend sales were good.Again small priced items sell. Just a thought to ponder.

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I've given up on seasonal containers- I use them as hostess gifts...

I'm laughing to myself because I have the SAME prices as you on EVERY size!!! Even the 2/ $25 and the 3/ $15's!!! I'm in SE TN... I AM curious though, have you always done uncolored? I've been toying with it and have about decided that the non bakery, non straight fruit or floral should be undyed (like cool citrus basil, sage and pomegranate, etc). Do you get any comments from customers one way or another about it? I'm dying to know!


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I've given up on seasonal containers- I use them as hostess gifts...

I'm laughing to myself because I have the SAME prices as you on EVERY size!!! Even the 2/ $25 and the 3/ $15's!!! I'm in SE TN... I AM curious though, have you always done uncolored? I've been toying with it and have about decided that the non bakery, non straight fruit or floral should be undyed (like cool citrus basil, sage and pomegranate, etc). Do you get any comments from customers one way or another about it? I'm dying to know!


LOL! That is funny about the pricing.

I actually had not even thought about it...but not one person has asked about the color.

I have never colored my soy candles.

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I too cannot believe you didn't sell any of the pillars, that would have been the first thing I grabbed! :D How much were you selling them for if you don't mind me asking?

I know you're probably bummed about those pillars not selling cuz I know you worked hard at getting them done last week. Dang people! :angry2:

I really love the cigar box gift sets as well, very nice.

Sounds like you just had the wrong kind of crowd at this show. Will you do this one again do you think?

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Nice set up for your show. I can understand how frustrated you feel about your sales this past weekend. I did a 2 day show this weekend and it totally sucked, I sold a total of 4 votives and a electric grubbie in my candles, and a few bags of fixins'. The only thing that makes me feel a little better was that nobody else at this show sold anything either, we couldn't figure out why people were paying the admission fee to get in and then not take the time to look at the displays they were literally running through the show. On Sunday morning the only shoppers walking around were other vendors. One of the few customers I had, told me that she had some candles from me last year and how wonderful they were, she stated that these are the only candles that I every bought I could still smell when burning after having them a year. Another vendor told me I don't know why people aren't stopping at your booth it is so professional looking and your products would make excellent gifts, and that I should look at getting my products into stores. Sorry for my long rant I just needed to get it out.

Pam F

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Looks like you did a great job setting up. It usually takes a few craft shows to build a clientele. After three years of going wholesale I am seeing more and more people walk up to my booth and mention they have seen my products at one of the stores I supply to. It is nice to hear people are recognizing my products.

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