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Hello everyone,

I was wondering if ya'll would share your experience of sales with your website and online advertising. How much set up cost, advertising versus sales. I'm just curious, not trying to be nosey.

I'm thinking about selling on ebay. Advice would be appreciated.



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really need to sell cheaply....I don't see how the people who do sell candles on there make a profit- they sell for almost nothing and then you need to figure in the fees that ebay takes out. To me it's just not worth it. And the website sales- well, to be honest I really only to website sales to previous customers- I don't think I've every gotten a sale from someone out of the blue.... so don't expect to "build it and they will come" it just won't happen. You need to build your customer base elsewhere and just use your site as a reference place for them to go to check things out or re-order.

sorry- this wasn't a yeah- what a great way to sell- response but this is an honest one- if you look on ebay what people are actually selling for and then take out the fees- it's impossible to make any money on them. it cost hundreds of dollars if not thousands to make and sell a good candle....then to have to cut yourself short on the price- no way- you work too hard to sell out so cheaply...

:o) Meredyth

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I agree with ebay being cheap but I disagree with a website only being for repeat sales. The build it and they wont come theory is right so you must build it and market it and then.... they will come. Websites are just like any other aspect of your business, no magic potions or anything. You must promote your website just like you promote the business. If properly marketed and promoted websites are a vital tool to any busness. Can you name a person that is looking for "Anything" that they dont go online and check out. Either research or get prices or find out where to get it. The internet has replaced our old way of doing things and websites are going to become more and more important. Answer honestly: when you are looking for something do you google it or go find your phonebook and look in the yellow pages?

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I think many candle sellers on ebay are listing their candles there in addition to other items (e.g. antiques) they are trying to unload. Or they have an ebay listing as a way to drive more traffic to their own website which contains their full catalog. Either way, it is not their only sales outlet, which would explain why they can sell at such low prices.

Most stores have a web presence these days, so if you want to look ahead to the future, you should consider getting one too. Not necessarily to sell a lot but at least to make available a catalog for repeat customers. The cost of running it really depends on how much of the work you do yourself.

Countrylane is right about ebay's fees. I looked into it once. It would have cost me more to have an ebay store than my own site.

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I just never knew how to do that- and don't bother- I use mine mostly as repeat customer orders... I am not good at the marketing side of the biz- I am sure that there are a lot of people who do well at that, but I think it takes more work than people realize...I know a lot of people think, "if Ijust had a web-site- then that's all I would need to do to sell my stuff" you really need to work it and get your name out there-maybe at first it was easier- but if you google candles or soy candles or whatever- there's thousands out there all hoping to get your business...so you need to work on getting your name to the top of the google list... and make sure you have eye catching items.


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Guys the trick is search engines. I make $7000.00 a year off my website. Im a publisher for google which I receive 600.00 a year from them so my website is by far FREE! I do all my webwork from the ground up. THe trick is seo (Search Engine Optimization) knowing what the search engines like (spider food).


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Guys the trick is search engines. I make $7000.00 a year off my website. Im a publisher for google which I receive 600.00 a year from them so my website is by far FREE! I do all my webwork from the ground up. THe trick is seo (Search Engine Optimization) knowing what the search engines like (spider food).


WOW, and what is a publisher for Google? What do you do?

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WOW, and what is a publisher for Google? What do you do?

Google adsense

You put there advertisements on your website and everytime someone clicks on them depending on what there bidding per click you get paid. when you get up to $100.00 they send you a check.

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Google adsense

You put there advertisements on your website and everytime someone clicks on them depending on what there bidding per click you get paid. when you get up to $100.00 they send you a check.

So you dont work for google you just have an adwords campaign? Do you "work" for google. I mean actually approve listings for the directory. i know someone who does this and was actually able to build software around his knowledge over the years.

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