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ISO Chamomile, Arnica, and Lavender


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Never heard of arnica FO, only the EO, which is poisonous if used straight and pretty expensive.

Hey SS.. Here is a link you may want to read about hazardous EO's


WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!! You really scare me SS.:shocked2:

You are not of legal age and producing products that may hurt someone. Then you PARENTS could be held responsible...

I also really wonder where a 16 year old gets the money to buy expensive EO's to play around with!!


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I am looking for Chamomile Arnica and Lavender FOs. It does not have to be a mixture of FOs, seperate oils actually work better because I can adjust the amounts and see what I like. I have never used essential oils so fragrance oils is what I prefer. TIA

SS... you can safely use Lavender EO in soap. Stick with the easy and safe ones first. Read up on the thread that island girl gave you. There are alot of EO that are really dangerous. You really have to know your homework to work with some of these.

There is no Arnica FO. You know what... scratch Arnica off the list. Arnica can be a dangerous herb/EO to work with also. Since this is your first swap... stick with something easy. Lavender and Chamomile go nicely together. You don't have to use EO in this swap. You can use FO too. A nice Lavender FO would work nicely. Or any FO.... it's up to you!!

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Not being familiar with Arnica I did a quick search this morning. I just got done doing a more complete search on it just now. SS. Please, no Arnica, one of its common names is wolfs bane, which is a highly toxic plant.

“Arnica montana, like many compounds used in homeopathy, is toxic in its pure form. As a homeopathic treatment it is usually given as a highly diluted tincture or tablet. An undiluted tincture can cause tachycardia, enteritis and even collapses. As long as it is prepared properly, and taken in the prescribed manner, A. montana, can be taken internally to reduce swelling and bruising associated with plastic surgery. The plant must be prepared properly because the plant in its pure form contains compounds that, if ingested, inhibit liver function in the human body which, in turn, causes death in most cases. Because of these internal effects, Arnica was once used as a means of assassination. Countermeasures after accidental ingestion include carbon or charcoal ingestion to absorb traces of the toxins in the digestive tract and the ingestion of liquids to dilute the concentration of toxins. There are, however, no known antidotes for these compounds.”


I am asking you nicely to nix it for the swap. Please, stick with safer botanicals at least until you have some serious experience in dealing with the safe ones.This one may be best to compleatly stay away from. For the swap I maybe need to add only non toxic additives.

I am bothered that you did not search this substance, know what it is before you ordered it. Please settle down and pay attention to what you’re doing.

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Natural arnica infused with olive oil can be therapeutic formulated with other mediums as a muscle rub.

However, before you even think to dabble in EO's I would strongly recommend going to EO University and reading till your eyes bleed. Many times.

You will find synthetic FO that can mimic true lavender or chamomile.

Arnica would be nearly impossible to find. It isn't considered an olfactory delight.

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Natural arnica infused with olive oil can be therapeutic formulated with other mediums as a muscle rub.

However, before you even think to dabble in EO's I would strongly recommend going to EO University and reading till your eyes bleed. Many times.

You will find synthetic FO that can mimic true lavender or chamomile.

Arnica would be nearly impossible to find. It isn't considered an olfactory delight.

There will definitley be no Arnica in my soap. The EO site said all these magnificent things about it and gave no warnings. I had not had a chance to research it more than that. I will definitly scratch it off my list until I am much more advanced in soap making.

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Hey SS.. Here is a link you may want to read about hazardous EO's


WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!! You really scare me SS.:shocked2:

You are not of legal age and producing products that may hurt someone. Then you PARENTS could be held responsible...

I also really wonder where a 16 year old gets the money to buy expensive EO's to play around with!!


Thanks for the link. I just want to state again that I had not ordereed the EO and was not planning on doing so until researching more. I am not going to poison you all, at least not this soon in the game, lol:D .

I know some of you may think differently but I am really not completely stupid. I may have made some stupid mistakes but who doesn't. Some of you guys have this picture of some kid in a kitchen picking up a cup full of lye and a pound of manure and mixing it together but that is just not the way it is. I truly sell and make quality products.

And where the money comes from? I run a business and satisfy my customers. Again, I guess you people have a bad image of me and you see no one buying from me but it is actually quite the oposite. I can sell upwards of $1000 dollars worth of products a week. On top of this, I really have no bills so all of my money is being reinvested into my business. I don't even pay myself. Every dime and penny goes to buying more supplies and developing new products. One day I hope to have a large enough business running smoothly and support myself and my future family soley on this.

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Dude, did your parents ever tell you to respect your elders? This is the time. People have told you repeatedly to slow down, but you don't listen for some reason--you aren't getting it. No one here is afraid of the competition, yours or anyone elses, but you ARE going to hurt someone simply based on the fact that you don't listen. The fact remains, you are still a kid, young in years and young in experience. Please listen to people with experience, not necessarily high post count, but true experience, they know what they are talking about. Your age is showing by the lack of respect you have for the people who can/will teach you alot. I'm 40 years old and I've learned a hell of a lot from the people on this board and continue to do so.

Learn the process, perfect it, then move on to the next thing, please!

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Dude, did your parents ever tell you to respect your elders?

Oh yes, I definitely learned to respect my elders and do so, up until a certain point. When I get called names and told that my gene pool needs some bleach, etc, that is where all respect for those people ends. Again I have made some stupid mistakes , but I feel I have been WAY more mature than many people on this board. You don't see me calling names and talking about people. If I have an issue with something someone is doing I keep it to myself or tell the person in a kind way.

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SS. thank you for paying attention to what you were told about the arnica and scratching it from the list. I know you have a reputation of ignoring advice but you have proven you can listen to others with this. I am glad. You have already been told how disastrous this particular mistake could have been and I believe you understand it so I won’t repeat the lecture.

I accept my part in this, when yesterday I only did a quick search on arnica and gave my implied approval; if it were my own product I would have done a proper search on it and made the assumption you had done so. You are young and I should have looked at the arnica closer before commenting.

I am surprised that it is legal to sell it, considering the toxicity of the flowers could well be a bigger risk for the person making soap than using it. Think about it… with the soap an individual’s exposure would be much lower, and the soap washes off. However in handling the flowers and /or infused oils and/or teas made from it there would be a higher concentration. The possibility of residue sticking to his hands… and even if sufficient amounts are not absorbed thought the skin to be toxic, or breathing the fumes… the probability of hand to mouth contamination is high. From my reading last night wolfs bane was made into a strong tea that was used for assignations. However, it was not unusual for the alchemist to be found dead with a pot of wolfs bane tea brewing.

But we do live in a buyer beware world. We ALL need to remember that. Just because someone is selling something doesn’t mean it is safe. Those of us online are fortunate; we have the whole world at our fingertips. This doesn’t mean everything you read online is factual. we all need to look at as much on a subject as we can find, and not just what we want to hear.

I hope people will give their approval for this step forward SS has made, he did pay attention and listen to what others had to say on this. Let us congratulate him for that and hope he has learned the seriousness of researching his ingredients before considering adding them to products, and that it can be easier to learn from others experience. I’m not saying forget the past, but can we move forward now? In the other thread there were many comments on how he never listens… this time he has, let us focus on that, encourage this positive turn. A good thing has happened… I for one will be happy about it.

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Why is everyone jumping SS? She says in her initial post that she'd prefer FOs. She later mentioned she'd found Arnica eo for $10 an ounce. Obviously, she didn't buy it if she's still here wanting and asking for an FO version, although I bet she's tempted to buy it now for whatever swap she's in.:tongue2:

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Why is everyone jumping SS? She says in her initial post that she'd prefer FOs. She later mentioned she'd found Arnica eo for $10 an ounce. Obviously, she didn't buy it if she's still here wanting and asking for an FO version, although I bet she's tempted to buy it now for whatever swap she's in.:tongue2:

Got my answer. Thanks.:eek:

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