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Update on Home Show - Horrible!

Guest EMercier

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Guest EMercier

I posted here about a week ago in reference to a home party I'd been invited to display my candles. I didn't have much money so I had to wait until payday to get my stuff together. ( I haven't made candles in a while). I had most of my supplies, but had to buy others. ANYWAY, I should've cancelled. It was horrible. I drove all the way to Quakertown (Candles and Supplies) early yesterday to get the last bit of stuff I needed. I arrived a bit late and there was no table space for me. I was told a table would be provided. Yea, a small card table. Then one of the guests was like, the early bird catches the worm. I wanted to slap her! There were two others there. One girl selling Princess House and another guy selling knock off bags. I was told that 35 people were to be invited and 5 showed up. I think they showed up for the food! It was ashamed because the hostess didn't buy anything from me and I gave her a gift! The others that had the Princess House and the Bags bought from me! I was so upset, but I stayed positive. All this for nothing. Didn't get back what I put into it. Then to have people complain about no pictures! FOR WHAT!? MY stuff was all there. I told them I'm working on my website and a color brochure for wholesale accounts. In my mind I'm thinking I'm not taking suggestions from you, you aren't buying anything. Then the oooh's and ahhhh's, but nothing. They sure took my free samples of Lavendar Goat's Milk Soap. I understand my friend was trying to help, but his wife didn't do a good job at getting candle people there. I appreciate it, but if he asks again, I'm saying no thanks. Another thing, when I walked into the house, that Princess House stuff looks like something from a garage sale. And the one lady, oooh I love Princess House they have great crystal! I'm like sweetheart that's cheap and your paying double for something you can get a walmart for the same price! Sorry this is long, but I had to vent I think I made like $65, which was no where near what I put into it. I'm not used to this. I'm used to $400 - $1000.

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Candle parties can be great or they can bomb and that's because you are relying on someone else to do the inviting of the people who buy the product. If they don't do their part and you go through the trouble of setting up, the results can be even worse than what you experienced. I did four of them and I won't do them any more. At two of them, I set up and NOBODY showed because the hostesses forgot to mail the invitations!:tongue2:

I'm sorry you had such a poor turnout at yours. But many have great home parties too.

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I can understand.I have been invited to do a craft show with a group.Be in with them.I said Fine I will do it.I did it one other year and did give so much of my candle sales(don't make alot at sales) .Well last night was asked if I was going to do it.Yes I will.Then was told you have to bring your tables because we have to pay for those.We are allowed 1 but we need about 3.So then she said You will not be able to put much out.I guess it will all be their stuff.What should I do?It is a huge show and I MAY be able to get in still. I just may go in myself.One day it is 12 hours and way to much though.I just not so sure about this.The last time I got maybe less than a table or 3/4 but I do know it is their booth but feel REALLY REALLY cheated.I am donating the tables but hardly any space.The space is donated to them.So they pay nothing.

When asked I thought it would be something that they wanted.Now I know. Also afraid when I get there it will be so much per candle.

I am starting alot of new things and some ideas now and doing them for the next few weeks.This show would be great BUT the problem is all that work and my tables to them I am just not sure.I know if I am not there they will say they want my tables anyway.I have to go somewhere that week-end.

This is starting to get harder and harder to want to do.Am I stupid or WHAT?????????? I just knew it was FISHY.

SORRY about your show.We put so much into these shows we have to make something.


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Guest EMercier

Thanks. :) I know you have a hit or miss with some shows and my BF was trying to keep me encouraged (which I really appreciate). I've had good hits, but last few have been a few miss. I still made more money then this time. I made at least $300 at those. Back to the drawing board to check and see if people want to have them. My mom has given me advice, that if people solicit me, then tell them I need to make at least $300 so no cheap people! She's funny. I think that makes a big difference. I also stress the difference between Yankee, other commercial candles, and myself. It gets them thinking. It just takes so much out of you and I don't think people understand that. I literally dropped when I got home last night. I'm not going to stop. Look forward to getting into a good craft show in KOP.

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A good home party really depends on the hostess. She HAS to do some work. Not only does she need to invite a lot of people, she needs to confirm who's coming, either by mailing out invitations with RSVP cards or a phone number to call, or get on the phone and call each and every one of them. If there isn't a certain % of people who are going to show, then I would cancel, and let her know ahead of time you expect x amount of people to be there before you will show. It's a lot of work to pack all these products around, not to mention having so much stock left over.

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