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Labels For My Palm Votives


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I haven't posted in a while. Been SOOO busy! Just wanted some feedback on my new labels. I think they match my company very well. I don't have any pics of them on my packaging yet, but will get some up this week. I think they go well with my website. They are going on Avery 2x4 labels.


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You have an itsy bitsy votive in a gigantic hand with a burnt wick, no flame, and all I can think of is why would I buy one if it's used and apparently very small. Now mind you it looked more like a wart till I blew up the picture.

And an orange background? What's orange in galaxy that I'm not seeing?

I'm going to add the space ship looks like a chicklet.

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Guest LightofDawn


Love your creativity... I have to agree though something about the hand seems off. (Candle to small vs. hand to big) not sure. I am lousy with designing so you may not want to listen to me.

Sent you a P.M.


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boy you guys are tough...

It looks better not blown up as big as it is. As for the orange, it's just part of the color scheme of my site. Love it or hate it I guess. No in between here :-p

Actually it looks better than what it is blown up, IMO. You can tell that's supposed to be a used candle and a space ship and not a chicklet. Things to think about.

As for orange ... a controversial, yet bold to use on a website ... at least what I was told for using the color in something else. I guess in the case of this graphic, it's the flame missing from the candle?

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Actually it looks better than what it is blown up, IMO. You can tell that's supposed to be a used candle and a space ship and not a chicklet. Things to think about.

As for orange ... a controversial, yet bold to use on a website ... at least what I was told for using the color in something else. I guess in the case of this graphic, it's the flame missing from the candle?

Thanks for the input. I have my designer replacing the votive in the hand with an actual pic of a palm pillar I made. She will then use effects to blend it in. It will also sit deeper in the hand. Will update with a new pic shortly. I do like the orange though. Some people may not like it, but I like taking risks and going outside the box. My products will be more "futuristic". Trying to grab a niche that's not too saturated. It's the best way to get ahead in this trade IMO. There is too much competition out there, so we have to think different :-)

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I'd go for a black background and use the orange in the lettering if it were me. I'd also put the spaceship a little tilted where the hand is (remove hand), and have a nice flame coming out of that as a candle, and add some stars in the black background.

If the way it is though, is your theme, then it looks good. :)

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I think it is interesting for the galactic crowd. I hope your candles are just as intriging as your website looks. I would expect your candles to look multi-colored and oddball shapes and sizes with galaxy names, not just standard FO names.

If I remember correctly the scent names are pretty funky too, nothing samey with this girly.


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For my two penneth worth...

It's not my cup of tea - but my brother in law would think it absolutely amazing...:wink2:

The altered header with the palm in the palm so to speak does look better - but would it be preferable to use a picture of a wicked (and possibly lit) candle so it definitely looks like a candle?

Just wondering if there's some non candle people might not have the foggiest what it is...

It definitely won't be to everyone's taste - but heck, 10/10 for creativity and it would be pretty boring if we all liked the same thing... :D

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Thanks. I agree the candle needs to be wicked. I'm just doing a little testing. My designer will hate me when I am done lol. She gets paid well though :-)

I'll have to make a candle or 2 and take some pics for her to add to the image. Thanks for all the input. I try to listen to everything everyone has to say. I just like thinking outside the box. After the products are added and my site is 100% to my satisfaction, I will be advertising the brand heavy on sci-fi and tech related sites. Also may test on anime sites as well.

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Don't try to sell us so much about thinking outside the box ... it's obvious.

You know ... what's the point of making the girl a cartoon midget and the worm-faced looking deteriorated head and wormy hat? Or is that a take off another toy cartoon? I just don't get a sci-fi feel for anything other than Galaxy Scents and the spaceship. And a gold spray-painted hand? I think you can be much more original and tie this together better than what you have.

Granted the candle needs a wick so someone knows you aren't selling cow curd or whatever live stock eats in the field. But even adding a wick ... just is going to make that candle look thrown into a pot of extra-terrestrial goo.

This looks more like a sci-fi attempt at horror.

There, you have my opinion, and it's not fit inside a box. It just is.

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Don't try to sell us so much about thinking outside the box ... it's obvious.

You know ... what's the point of making the girl a cartoon midget and the worm-faced looking deteriorated head and wormy hat? Or is that a take off another toy cartoon? I just don't get a sci-fi feel for anything other than Galaxy Scents and the spaceship. And a gold spray-painted hand? I think you can be much more original and tie this together better than what you have.

Granted the candle needs a wick so someone knows you aren't selling cow curd or whatever live stock eats in the field. But even adding a wick ... just is going to make that candle look thrown into a pot of extra-terrestrial goo.

This looks more like a sci-fi attempt at horror.

There, you have my opinion, and it's not fit inside a box. It just is.

You know... I really do like this site and had nothing at all against anyone here, but damn are you rude. I don't have anything at all to prove and believe I was being very polite the entire time I "was" a member of this forum. Maybe you should step outside your "box" and realize your being a b#@*!.... Just my opinion.

I'll be sure NOT to post any more pics here or make my daily visits. Maybe you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, or maybe you are just being you. Whatever the case, you should have a little more respect for people who visit this forum and "try" to contribute. Without people posting pics and commenting, this forum wouldn't be anything but a ghost town.

And you are right, it is just your opinion. The site does have a "sci-fi/futuristic" feel to it. That is a fact and not an opinion. Like I said before, this will be advertised on anime, sci-fi, and other related sites. The header will appeal to those niches. I will be using targetted advertising. Just because my site isn't overloaded with flowers and a country feel like 99% of candle sites on the net, don't knock it. And I'm not trying to sell anyone on thinking outside the box...

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I too thought that was a bit overboard.

Anyways, I love the orange because it is not a usual color. I, however, do not like the hand at all. Sci-Fi, anime and what have you aren't really my niche as well, but I have boys that love this stuff and you get a thumbs up from them after they saw your header :D

Keep tweaking it and keep the orange!


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Well I wasn't trying to be rude, so for that I apologize. I just see the face that looks like there are worms on it and a hat too. I was asking. You constantly mention thinking outside the box and I was saying it's been obvious from the beginning that you were.

I'm trying to get the reason for the cartoon girl, the worm-looking outline of the head. I don't get it, so it does look like a horror sci-fi to me. The space ship and the galaxy part stick out as sci-fi. I don't feel the rest of it goes. The orange color I get for the glow and the daring. The rest I just don't see meshing, even with all the B-rated sci-fi and other sci-fi movies I've seen, those things didn't compute.

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I didn't even notice it was a head! Looks like a head with a cowboy hat on it :D ! I say dump that head and maybe add some planets and stars. That would look better to me. I do not like the hand though, even with the wickless pillar in it. If you want the anime girl maybe you can get a drawing of her holding a candle instead of the big hand? Just some thoughts!


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